2009-04-06 14:19:56 UTC
The Winnendon, Germany school shooting, which left 17 dead including
the gunman, appears to be the latest in the chain of psychiatric drug-
induced school shootings. A March 15 article in Scotland on Sunday,
revealed that the shooter, Tim Kretschmer, “had been suffering from
depression, even attending a clinic and receiving medication for the
With casualties from school or teen shootings now totalling 54 dead
and 105 wounded, the mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on
Human Rights (CCHR) says it is time to stop vested interests from
spouting their usual propaganda about psychiatric drugs, and instead
demand a federal investigation for the sake of public safety.
While the psychiatric/pharmaceutical industries have persisted in
vehemently denying that antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs
cause violence, CCHR is quick to point out that it was similar vested
interests that stalled the FDA from issuing black box warnings on
suicide for more than 13 years.
for more go to
the gunman, appears to be the latest in the chain of psychiatric drug-
induced school shootings. A March 15 article in Scotland on Sunday,
revealed that the shooter, Tim Kretschmer, “had been suffering from
depression, even attending a clinic and receiving medication for the
With casualties from school or teen shootings now totalling 54 dead
and 105 wounded, the mental health watchdog Citizens Commission on
Human Rights (CCHR) says it is time to stop vested interests from
spouting their usual propaganda about psychiatric drugs, and instead
demand a federal investigation for the sake of public safety.
While the psychiatric/pharmaceutical industries have persisted in
vehemently denying that antidepressants and other psychiatric drugs
cause violence, CCHR is quick to point out that it was similar vested
interests that stalled the FDA from issuing black box warnings on
suicide for more than 13 years.
for more go to