Post by Mister SuperstarDay Brown wrote...
Post by Day BrownBut if you know anything at all about statistics, the mere *fact* that
small Ozark hill towns and the Amish have such low rates should ring
loud alarm bells about a cultural effect. In both cases, the schools
are small, the attendance rates are high, and the rate of contagious
pathogens is a lot lower because bugs dont have time to mutate thru
enough kids before it runs out of new victims.
I was listening to yet another NPR segment on autism last week and the
person they interviewed pointed out the very large in ADHD diagnoses
around 1991 when a federal law allowed "special needs" kids to be
exempted from standardized testing, and I think the schools also got
extra money for such kids.
My local newspaper always covers the test results for area schools,
along with the occassional story on teachers and administraters helping
the kids cheat so as to increase the school's scores and avoid being
penalized. Autistic kids don't have to take the test, so isn't is
possible that one ore more kids who were diagnosed autistic aren't
really autistic at all?
As you see with the thread with Mark, having data we can agree on is a
problem. It has always been a problem with psychology. The track
record of group think and political correct, or in this case useful,
positions makes policy agreement difficult.
i developed ulcers back when I was working with autistic kids. At the
time, Bettleheim's opinion that it was caused by erratic mothering had
nearly universal acceptance, and anyone who doubted that was regarded
as a nut case. I sought counseling and group therapy because everyone
in psychology knew that ulcers was caused by stress.
I am frankly grateful that the treatment helped me to think more
clearly, but we all now know that ulcers are caused by a bacteria.
Which I didnt find out until long after I left the profession and
began as a vehicle mechanic. which granted, was less stressful. the
results were more reliable.
But autistic kids in particular have a peculiar body language. Quite
often you will see them running about with their forearms raised and
hands hung in the air like a surgeon who just scrubbed up before an
operation. FRONTLINE's "YAQUI VALLEY" study is most informative
because here we see indian village boys who are so autistic they cant
play soccer. Throw a soccer ball down in any village in Latin America,
and the boys will be kicking it about in a minute or two; when you
have a dozen boys in an Indian village who cant play soccer, and run
about the playground uninterested in each other, you dont have an
"anecdotal" report, you have a sociological study, especially when it
is seen in several villages.
ADD, ADHD, ICD, are all very different phenomena, certainly amenable
to the testing system you report. Sorting one from the other is much
more difficult. A few points are very common. The inability to pay
attention to instruction. the inability to stay focused on a task long
enuf to get it done, and a resistant, aggressive attitude to the
authority which wants it done.
Nobody talks about the fact, that like autism, there is a genetic
component. Low seratonin and dopamine levels are related to drug and
alcohol abuse. Some gene pools have more boys with this than others,
and therefore higher abuse and violent crime rates. Last month, 60
minutes repeated a clip where DNA evidence was compared and found a
dude in VA who *almost* matched. The natural inclination would be to
look at other men in the same Y chromosome line to find the rapist.
Federal law would not permit this, but in this case, the crime sample
and the closest target were both in VA, so state authorities could
look thru the samples they already had from other criminals in the
area, and thereby found the rapist who had all 20, not just 16 DNA
markers. A cousin.
Course, they were black men. which has the social scientists with
their panties in a wad. Not that there are not a sufficient supply of
white men with similar sets of DNA markers. If the social scientists
would admit the truth, then they'd look at the markers, and warn the
parents of the boys that are at risk of becoming social predators.
There is some work suggesting that dopamine and seratonin supplements,
especially begun at puberty when testosterone magnifies the effect,
would lesson the symptomology and then the boy would be better able to
perform in school.
But let me bring in a primate field study of the Mandrill, the ones
where the alpha males have the blue nose from all the testosterone in
the blood. At some point, the females figure out they've had enuf of
his genes in the pool, and begin to run away. The beta males pick up
on this, and begin to take him on, one at a time. Eventually, he gets
tired, one of the betas gets in a lucky shot, and he gets the living
shit kicked out of him.
Within a few days, he's become beta, his nose is red, and the beta who
beat him is now alpha. The aggressiveness the alpha had is all gone.
He's had an *attitude* adjustment. In my neck of Ozark woods, which is
still full of old fashioned farm families, this kind of attitude
adjustment still goes on behind the woodsheds. And the ADD rate?
Get out an atlas, and look up the small hill towns like Alread, Bee
Branch, Calico Rock, Deer, Eureka Springs, Greer's Ferry, Heber
Springs, and so on thru the alpha bet. Then go to look at the school
Repeatedly we see 95% or more of the kids are tested.
One school was in the news recently because they had taken the paddle
down off the office wall, but when school performance fell, decided to
put it back up again. A parent can sign a form that the paddle shall
not be used on their kid, but no bully would dare let his mom do that,
and after a trip to the principle's office to get his ass whipped, he
quits picking on little kids.
So- there is no ICD, the rate of violence hovers near *zero*, in
school after school. But note, these are all small schools, with less
than a few hundred kids. The teachers can recognize every single kid
on the playground, so nobody can steal anything, or make a hit and
then run into a crowd to escape punishment. There is no anonymity.
Going all the way back to the Stoics. Justice must be swift, and it
must be carried out by those who can do so dispassionately. That is
what the "rule of law" basically boils down to. When there's only a
few hundred kids in the school, they cant run away. And they dont fall
thru the cracks either. When a kid shows signs of being abused, the
parents are in court right quick.
This has skewed the results. A lotta the meth heads and drunks have
moved out to the city where they live they way they want, and abuse
their kids as they want, without anyone picking up on it. Conversely,
parents looking for schools that still work are moving in. That
includes teachers, even tho the pay is the 2nd lowest in the nation.
but they get to work in schools that are quiet and orderly. Moreover,
they know that former gov. Clinton instituted a testing program....
for the *TEACHERS*. the incompetent friends and family of the school
boards had to go to work for a living. Teachers accept lower pay to
work with faculty that is effective. They dont havta apply to teach at
schools where corporal punishment is still used, but they *do*.
When my son, who had his own fair share of attitude adjustments in the
principle's office, graduated from Leslie high in 1996, he, and 25% of
the class scored above the 95th percentile on the ACT. Repeatedly we
see these small town schools with classes that *average* from the 55th
to the 65th percentile. If this was just one small town school, you
could dismiss it. but it is going on at dozens of them. You mite look
to see what the small town schools in your region are doing. Mark does
not regard the posted data on the Arkansas schools as valid, so I dont
see where we can find a common basis for discourse.
If your schools want to adjust attitudes with Ritaliln or whatever,
I'd appreciate the report in the out years.