Kids On Drugs: Antidepressants And Ritalin (Generation Rx)
(too old to reply)
2008-04-23 01:48:09 UTC
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
Rainiest Day
2008-04-23 02:32:52 UTC
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go tohttp://badpsych.com/2008/04/22/kids-on-drugs-antidepressants-and-rita...
to view more
This is understandable, as it could be a catalyst for a problem and by
jacking up the person's mood it will just make tendencies or thoughts
the people may have had a reality. That's my guess. I've taken
Ritalin before and I can't say that I was suicidal, but I do get two
types of suicidal thoughts; a happy, good thing I can die type of
thing which was onset by the Ritalin I believe, and of course the
grueling sadness, which I experienced months before. The former being
much more likely to carry out tendencies.

I still can't believe they put kids on that stuff....It's crack. :/
2008-04-23 03:44:10 UTC
Post by Rainiest Day
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go tohttp://badpsych.com/2008/04/22/kids-on-drugs-antidepressants-and-rita...
to view more
This is understandable, as it could be a catalyst for a problem and by
jacking up the person's mood it will just make tendencies or thoughts
the people may have had a reality. That's my guess. I've taken
Ritalin before and I can't say that I was suicidal, but I do get two
types of suicidal thoughts; a happy, good thing I can die type of
thing which was onset by the Ritalin I believe, and of course the
grueling sadness, which I experienced months before. The former being
much more likely to carry out tendencies.
I still can't believe they put kids on that stuff....It's crack. :/
hate them so much, addictive shit your parents warn you about the
dangers of drugs then you get stuffed them by a doctor how ironic
Fredric L. Rice
2008-04-23 02:16:09 UTC
Brittany <***@badpsych.com> wrote:

--snip-- insane Scientology kook spew.

2008-04-23 21:06:57 UTC
Did you know that most people that die of high blood pressure were on
blood-pressure lowering drugs ??

These drugs must be abolished immediately !

Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
2008-04-23 21:18:22 UTC
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go tohttp://badpsych.com/2008/04/22/kids-on-drugs-antidepressants-and-rita...
to view more
You got some stats you can cite there?
Jeff L
2008-04-23 21:51:34 UTC
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry. And no, I refuse to allow
myself to generate any traffic for your shitty amateurish blog, which
you see fit to spam across various newsgroups. Interesting SEO strategy
there. I wonder what your webhost would think of it...
2008-04-24 00:56:17 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry.
COOL you know this for a fact? tell us where you cite your facts from
then? also, the withdrawals of these medications can mess you up as
well as going on them. if this is your argument then perhaps people
that are suffering heroin withdrawals that create crime to obtain
their med should actually NEED to be medicated and its not heroins
fault at all that crime is committed its because they NEED to be
medicated!!! most heroin crime is not committed ON the drug, its
withdrawals when people need their fix.
Jeff L
2008-04-24 01:16:52 UTC
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry.
COOL you know this for a fact? tell us where you cite your facts from
then? also, the withdrawals of these medications can mess you up as
well as going on them. if this is your argument then perhaps people
that are suffering heroin withdrawals that create crime to obtain
their med should actually NEED to be medicated and its not heroins
fault at all that crime is committed its because they NEED to be
medicated!!! most heroin crime is not committed ON the drug, its
withdrawals when people need their fix.
Here's the blunt truth, whether you like it or not: no medication can
force a person to act in a certain way. That is to say, this bullshit
about anti-depressants causing people to erupt in violence is, indeed,
total bullshit - because antidepressants are not capable of forcing a
behavior pattern.

To back up your claim that antidepressants give you an uncontrollable
urge to kill your family, you cite a few one-off cases. Yet you entirely
ignore any or all the variables that would be involved, and merely jump
to a conclusion based on an association fallacy. Your logic, or rather
lack thereof, follows like so:

1. Psychiatry is inherently evil
2. Drugs prescribed for psychiatric purposes are inherently evil
3. [insert random fifteen-minute celebrity here] killed [x person/number
of people]
4. [insert random fifteen-minute celebrity here] was on anti-depressants
at some point during his/her life
5. Therefore, anti-depressants caused him to act violent.
6. Ergo, all anti-depressants cause violent tendencies
7. Psychiatry is inherently evil
8. Drugs prescribed for psychiatric purposes are inherently evil
9. Ad nauseum circlejerkular argument

It's bad science, bad logic, and total bullshit, not matter how you
slice it.
2008-04-24 02:56:45 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry.
COOL you know this for a fact? tell us where you cite your facts from
then? also, the withdrawals of these medications can mess you up as
well as going on them. if this is your argument then perhaps people
that are suffering heroin withdrawals that create crime to obtain
their med should actually NEED to be medicated and its not heroins
fault at all that crime is committed its because they NEED to be
medicated!!! most heroin crime is not committed ON the drug, its
withdrawals when people need their fix.
First of all, I asked for you to CITE YOUR EVIDENCE AND YOU CANT (or
didnt) so replying to my post ws completely irrelevant, would you like
to give me a recipe for cookies now too?

Second of all, you NEVER even responded to my example or defended your
position on it, so basically, your talking shit and not even
responding to my post even if hitting the reply button which is rather
Post by Jeff L
Here's the blunt truth, whether you like it or not: no medication can
force a person to act in a certain way.
REALLY? And what about all those people on pot or LSD that thought
they could fly? presumably they always thought they could fly? Its all
just fucking chemicals prozac or pot or heroin.
Post by Jeff L
That is to say, this bullshit
about anti-depressants causing people to erupt in violence is, indeed,
total bullshit - because antidepressants are not capable of forcing a
behavior pattern.
If they arent capable of changing BEHAVIOUR PATTERNS THEY WOULDNT BE
GIVEN OUT!! wake the hell up. if medication could not change your
behaviour pattern psychiatrists WOULDNT HAND THEM OUT THERE WOULD BE
YOURSELF. sounds like something only a clown would do, or someone that
proves to themselves their point is invalid.
Post by Jeff L
To back up your claim that antidepressants give you an uncontrollable
urge to kill your family, you cite a few one-off cases.
I never cited a case. (are you seeing things?) the only thing i
"cited" was heroin withdrawals. which is a phenomenon known by society
and police and the medical profession (not saying all junkies do this
Post by Jeff L
Yet you entirely
ignore any or all the variables that would be involved,
yeah, like maybe you were part of their family and you drove them to
it with your incessant nonsense.
Post by Jeff L
and merely jump
to a conclusion based on an association fallacy.
where did i do that? please cite your words, do you even know who you
are responding to?
Post by Jeff L
Your logic, or rather
1. Psychiatry is inherently evil
never said that, i said that psychiatrists are stupid and they have no
idea how the "new improved drugs" effect people.

geez, do you even READ WHAT IS WRITTEN? or do you make it up in your
brain all yourself?
Post by Jeff L
2. Drugs prescribed for psychiatric purposes are inherently evil
I said that psychiatrists get people addicted to drugs, society
generally tends to think of addiction as bad, i also stated that they
dish out drugs willy nilly, not knowing what effects they will have on
a patient. or long term health. use yourself as a guinea pig thanks.

jesus you do make bizarre gross over generalisations not based on
things you've read dont you? perhaps you should get your eyesight
Post by Jeff L
3. [insert random fifteen-minute celebrity here] killed [x person/number
of people
never said anyone killed anyone, i have listed no such cases or claims
(were you even responding to my post? or wasnt this meant for me?)
Post by Jeff L
4. [insert random fifteen-minute celebrity here] was on anti-depressants
at some point during his/her life
i dont know jack shit about any celebrity, and i certainly never
stated what drugs they took, i am beginning to think this post wasnt
for me or you are deluded. (you should see a psychiatrist about
Post by Jeff L
6. Ergo, all anti-depressants cause violent tendencies
I think you are rather haphazard with your over generalisations and
choice of words, i hope you arent an author! I never said ALL
antidepressants caused violent tendencies, in fact i never said they
made people violent in the first place, i said they fuck people up and
what fucked upness happens depends on the individuals chemistry.
gee, do you write science fiction too??
Post by Jeff L
7. Psychiatry is inherently evil
have you been drinking? you are repeating yourself, i thought number 1
was that? oh you are talking shit again and going in a circle when, in
fact the circle was nipped in the bud long ago and you are just going
off in a tangent.
Post by Jeff L
8. Drugs prescribed for psychiatric purposes are inherently evil
9. Ad nauseum circlejerkular argument
It's bad science, bad logic, and total bullshit, not matter how you
slice it.
I SAID CITE YOUR SOURCES YOU DO JACK SHIT except make up some random
shit, you have not cited sources, you just come up with some weird
overgeneralisation bullshit, citing wrong "logic arguments", and not
citing ANY SCIENTIFIC DATA TO SUPPORT your claim depsite claiming to
know FACTS.
do you masturbate like this often to yourself? it doesnt seem terribly

However, I must give apologies for interrupting your wank as it didnt
seem directed at anything i had said. so, please carry on without me.
Jeff L
2008-04-24 07:40:25 UTC
Post by Pixie
i dont know jack shit about any celebrity, and i certainly never
stated what drugs they took, i am beginning to think this post wasnt
for me or you are deluded. (you should see a psychiatrist about
You are one ignorant little shit, aren't you? This thread is in response
to spam by ignorant shill Brittany asserting that anti-depressants cause
people to develop violent tendencies. I'm merely demonstrating the false
logic of that position, which, incidentally, YOU ARE DEFENDING.

Regardless, the onus isn't on me to prove that her position is BULLSHIT,
it is on here to prove that it is valid. All she can and has been able
to do is link to a youtube clip purporting to be from a doctor and to
further spam her own blog in attempts to generate traffic for her
pathetic and ignorant website.
2008-04-24 09:59:37 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
i dont know jack shit about any celebrity, and i certainly never
stated what drugs they took, i am beginning to think this post wasnt
for me or you are deluded. (you should see a psychiatrist about
You are one ignorant little shit, aren't you? This thread is in response
to spam by ignorant shill Brittany asserting that anti-depressants cause
people to develop violent tendencies.
hahaha not as ignorant as you, it doesnt take too much of a brain cell
to figure out if one is going to reply to a post, you hit the reply
button under the post you are RESPONDING TO! geez, maybe you should
review how to use ngs!
Post by Jeff L
I'm merely demonstrating the false
logic of that position, which, incidentally, YOU ARE DEFENDING.
and you never cited any evidence that this assertion is false when i
asked you to, therefore you are not defending your position at all.
anyway, there is no "logic of her position" she was citing evidence,
something i havent seen you do.
Post by Jeff L
Regardless, the onus isn't on me to prove that her position is BULLSHIT,
it sure is when you are the one that claims that its false and
bullshit, dumbass. ever hear of defending the assertions you make...
or isnt scientific principle or debate your forte?
Post by Jeff L
it is on here to prove that it is valid.
she cited evidence, you didnt. therefore you have to supply evidence
that her evidence is false through scientific studies of her theory,
um, which you didnt provide.
Post by Jeff L
All she can and has been able
to do is link to a youtube clip purporting to be from a doctor
well, thats one piece of evidence you didnt supply, isnt it?
Post by Jeff L
and to
further spam her own blog in attempts to generate traffic for her
pathetic and ignorant website.
thats marketing babe, suck it up. surely you have seen marketing you
dont like before havent you? or do you suck up and believe every
pharmaceutical advertising you see? (wait a second, of course you do
if you are american...)
2008-04-24 10:07:47 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Jeff L
Here's the blunt truth, whether you like it or not: no medication can
force a person to act in a certain way. That is to say, this bullshit
about anti-depressants causing people to erupt in violence is, indeed,
total bullshit - because antidepressants are not capable of forcing a
behavior pattern.
stating that mind altering substances are not capable of altering the
mind, which controls behaviour, is quite unreasonable.
Jeff L
2008-04-24 18:16:36 UTC
Post by Pixie
hahaha not as ignorant as you, it doesnt take too much of a brain cell
to figure out if one is going to reply to a post, you hit the reply
button under the post you are RESPONDING TO! geez, maybe you should
review how to use ngs!
No, I was responding to YOUR defense of the ignorant spammer who
produced this thread. Do you or do you not assert that antidepressants
cause violent behavior?
Post by Pixie
and you never cited any evidence that this assertion is false when i
asked you to, therefore you are not defending your position at all.
anyway, there is no "logic of her position" she was citing evidence,
something i havent seen you do.
Demonstrating false logic doesn't require one to "produce evidence".
Post by Pixie
she cited evidence, you didnt. therefore you have to supply evidence
that her evidence is false through scientific studies of her theory,
um, which you didnt provide.
The evidence she "cited" was her blog. That doesn't qualify as "citing
Post by Pixie
well, thats one piece of evidence you didnt supply, isnt it?
Invalid. A youtube clip purporting to be from a doctor is not a
reliable source. If she wants to prove her point, she needs to point
to published medical journals and peer-reviewed studies. Has she done
that? No. Hence, bullshit.
Post by Pixie
thats marketing babe, suck it up. surely you have seen marketing you
dont like before havent you?
No, this is called "spam", and I'm quite sure her webhost would be
very interested in her usenet activities...
2008-04-24 19:43:57 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
hahaha not as ignorant as you, it doesnt take too much of a brain cell
to figure out if one is going to reply to a post, you hit the reply
button under the post you are RESPONDING TO! geez, maybe you should
review how to use ngs!
No, I was responding to YOUR defense of the ignorant spammer who
produced this thread. Do you or do you not assert that antidepressants
cause violent behavior?
WELL MAKE UP YOUR FUCKING MIND, you just stated that:
This thread is in response
to spam by ignorant shill Brittany asserting that anti-depressants
people to develop violent tendencies. I'm merely demonstrating the
logic of that position.

so which fucking one is it, are you responding to MY POST, or HERS?
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
and you never cited any evidence that this assertion is false when i
asked you to, therefore you are not defending your position at all.
anyway, there is no "logic of her position" she was citing evidence,
something i havent seen you do.
Demonstrating false logic doesn't require one to "produce evidence".
she wasnt doing anything but posting a link someone may be interested
posted a fucking youtube link you nitwit.
Post by Jeff L
The evidence she "cited" was her blog. That doesn't qualify as "citing
so she posted a blog someone might be interested in, you are not, but
you have no right to say no one else is.
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
well, thats one piece of evidence you didnt supply, isnt it?
Invalid. A youtube clip purporting to be from a doctor is not a
reliable source. If she wants to prove her point, she needs to point
to published medical journals and peer-reviewed studies. Has she done
that? No. Hence, bullshit.
WHATEVER, she posted a BLOG. she didnt enter into a debate on fucking
who the fuck cares if its bullshit, she has the right to post it and
others have the right to decide for themselves whether its bullshit.
you are not the fucking saviour of the human race.
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
thats marketing babe, suck it up. surely you have seen marketing you
dont like before havent you?
No, this is called "spam", and I'm quite sure her webhost would be
very interested in her usenet activities...
yeah, perhaps trolling isnt looked upon too greatly either. especially
from some cunt that asserts that mind altering medications arent mind
altering. thats bullshit too and we arent throwing your ass out Just
report her then and stfu! all this bullshit especially from some prick
that hates scientology and all his posts on usenet are on ARS, its
really a bit rich, throwing stones and glass houses come to mind.
report her and stfu.
Jeff L
2008-04-24 21:57:07 UTC
Post by Pixie
so which fucking one is it, are you responding to MY POST, or HERS?
I'm responding to YOUR post in DEFENSE OF HERS. Goddamn it. I'd say that
you have the intellectual capacity of a cactus, but I'd be insulting the
intelligence of cacti.
Post by Pixie
she wasnt doing anything but posting a link someone may be interested
No, she's spamming. How the fuck is this anti-psychiatry bullshit
related to anything that would be ontopic in alt.suicide.methods? Or
alt.suicide.holiday? Or alt.religion.scientology?
Post by Pixie
especially from some cunt that asserts that mind altering medications
arent mind altering.
Anti-depressants aren't "mind altering". The alter the chemical
structure of the body in an attempt to counteract chronic emotional
problems. Your point, thus, is invalid.
2008-04-24 22:18:32 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
especially from some cunt that asserts that mind altering medications
arent mind altering.
Anti-depressants aren't "mind altering". The alter the chemical
structure of the body in an attempt to counteract chronic emotional
problems. Your point, thus, is invalid.
let get this straight, you are saying that this drug alters the
chemical structure of your BODY in an attempt to counteract mental
problems (ie the fucking BRAIN) in order to COUNTERACT "chronic

please go tell a psychiatrist that antidepressants do not effect the
Jeff L
2008-04-24 22:21:11 UTC
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
especially from some cunt that asserts that mind altering medications
arent mind altering.
Anti-depressants aren't "mind altering". The alter the chemical
structure of the body in an attempt to counteract chronic emotional
problems. Your point, thus, is invalid.
let get this straight, you are saying that this drug alters the
chemical structure of your BODY in an attempt to counteract mental
problems (ie the fucking BRAIN) in order to COUNTERACT "chronic
They do not alter thought processes, nor do they alter behavior
processes. They alter the chemical structure of your body. Your brain
also alters the chemical structure of your body, and both produces and
reacts to various chemicals.

I'm not a neuroscientist, so my understanding may be a bit off. On the
other hand, I'd lay money that you are not a neuroscientist, either.
2008-04-25 00:53:25 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Anti-depressants aren't "mind altering". The alter the chemical
structure of the body in an attempt to counteract chronic emotional
problems. Your point, thus, is invalid.
let get this straight, you are saying that this drug alters the
chemical structure of your BODY in an attempt to counteract mental
problems (ie the fucking BRAIN) in order to COUNTERACT "chronic
They do not alter thought processes,
Really? Is that why psychiatrists give psychotic people
antipsychotics? because it doesnt alter their thought processes? what
is it meant to do then?
Post by Jeff L
nor do they alter behavior
ditto, for the antipsychotics, and what would be the point of giving
someone antidepressants if they still stayed in bed all day too
depressed to get out of bed? they give people these drugs to change
your behaviour. why would they give prozac to someone with a bulimia
if they simply kept puking still? of course its meant to alter your
behaviour. why do they give ritalin to kids with adhd if they still
ran around like nut baskets?

have you ever drank anything alcoholic? were your thought processes
not altered? did you not behave differently?
Post by Jeff L
They alter the chemical structure of your body. Your brain
also alters the chemical structure of your body, and both produces and
reacts to various chemicals.
but you are arguing that it changes the chemicals and not someone's
behaviour. when you add in different chemicals to a system, does it
not change? anyway, you dont ALTER the chemical STRUCTURE of
something, you add in something that alters the neurotransmittors, the
chemical *structure* is not changed.
Post by Jeff L
I'm not a neuroscientist, so my understanding may be a bit off. On the
other hand, I'd lay money that you are not a neuroscientist, either.
I am a lot closer than you are, but forgetting who has more scientific
qualifications, which i am sure is no contest, it is common sense.

Psychiatrists give medicine to alter BEHAVIOUR, if medicines did NOT
alter behaviour, why would they give them?

Well, perhaps we could ask Eli Lilly! http://pi.lilly.com/us/prozac.pdf`
whether prozac alters behaviour?
Black box warning:
"Suicidality and Antidepressant Drugs — Antidepressants increased the
risk compared to
placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children,
adolescents, and young
adults in short-term studies of major depressive disorder (MDD) and
other psychiatric

"All patients being treated with antidepressants for any indication
should be monitored
appropriately and observed closely for clinical worsening,
suicidality, and UNUSUAL CHANGES IN BEHAVIOUR, especially during the
initial few months of a course of drug therapy, or at times
of dose changes, either increases or decreases.
BEEN REPORTED in adult and pediatric patients being TREATED with
antidepressants for major
depressive disorder as well as for other INDICATIONS, both psychiatric

"Interference with Cognitive and Motor Performance — Any psychoactive
drug may impair
judgment, thinking, or motor skills, and patients should be cautioned
about operating hazardous
machinery, including automobiles, until they are reasonably certain
that the drug treatment does
not affect them adversely.
Discontinuation of Treatment with Prozac — During marketing of Prozac
and other SSRIs
and SNRIs (serotonin and norepinephrine reuptake inhibitors), there
have been spontaneous
reports of adverse events occurring upon discontinuation of these
drugs, particularly when
abrupt, including the following: dysphoric mood, irritability,
agitation, dizziness, sensory
disturbances (e.g., paresthesias such as electric shock sensations),
anxiety, confusion, headache,
lethargy, emotional lability, insomnia, and hypomania."

"Events are classified within body system categories using the
following definitions: frequent
adverse events are defined as those occurring on one or more occasions
in at least 1/100 patients;
infrequent adverse events are those occurring in 1/100 to 1/1000
patients; rare events are those
occurring in less than 1/1000 patients.

disorder; Infrequent: abnormal gait, acute brain syndrome, akathisia,
apathy, ataxia, buccoglossal
syndrome, CNS depression, CNS stimulation, DEPERSONALISATION,
HOSTILITY, hyperkinesia, hypertonia, hypesthesia, incoordination,
libido increased, myoclonus,
Rare: abnormal electroencephalogram, ANTISOCIAL REACTION, circumoral
paresthesia, coma,
DELUSIONS, dysarthria, dystonia, extrapyramidal syndrome, foot drop,
hyperesthesia, neuritis,
paralysis, reflexes decreased, reflexes increased, stupor.

.... and that is only listing the NERVOUS SYSTEM side effects, perhaps
you would like to peruse the rest yourself.

but of course these are INFREQUENT side effects, in between 1/100 or
1/1000, so lets calculate shall we?

"Today, Prozac, taken by 40 million people worldwide" 40,000,000/100 =
that means between 400,000 and 40,000 EXTRA people are running around
with hallucinations, depersonalisation, hallucinating, hostile,
neurotic and paranoid, with personality disorders, psychosis and

That is not to mention those that have the frequent side effects of
However of course, it is not just 1/100 is it?
well not according to ELi Lilly's papers that were disclosed by CNN
(http://www.cnn.com/2005/HEALTH/01/03/prozac.documents/index.html )

"CNN) -- An internal document purportedly from Eli Lilly and Co. made
public Monday appears to show that the drug maker had data more than
15 years ago showing that patients on its antidepressant Prozac were
far more likely to attempt suicide and show hostility than were
patients on other antidepressants and that the company attempted to
minimize public awareness of the side effects...
....In the paper, titled "Activation and sedation in fluoxetine
clinical trials," the authors said that the drug may produce
nervousness, anxiety, agitation or insomnia in 19 percent of patients,
and sedation in 13 percent of patients."

therefore that changes the calculations to 7,600,000 extra people
running around agitated and confused. I bet NOT ONE of these people
owns a gun now, do they?

So, there you have it ELi Lily KNEW from clinical trials it made
people more suicidal and hostile compared to others on other

must tell them that prozac does NOT in fact ALTER BEHAVIOUR, OR
THOUGHT PROCESSES because for some strange reason, they REALLY THINK
IT DOES! you really must correct them.

Anyway, I hope you enjoyed our little jaunt into the world of prozac
as exposed by Eli Lily which is evidenced by clinical trials and
helped exposed your darling news team CNN.

But you know what? I bet they are ALL SECRET SCIENTOLOGISTS MAKING
THIS ALL UP with my well cited scientific evidence (well, as
scientific as Eli Lilly can manage), perhaps you should blow the
whistle on them, and say they are making this ALL UP just to piss off
people like you.

p.s. I apologise about your lack of scientific education it was not
correct of me to assume that you had one when one started to make
claims about pharmaceuticals.
2008-04-25 01:10:41 UTC
oh shit, i cited a wrong source, Eli Lilly NOW claims that 50 million
people take prozac, and a few other interesting "missing clinical
trial documents" from court cases too:


but remember, reading the scotsman, you have to be REALLY careful,
there are a hell of a lot of scientologists in Scotland.
Jeff L
2008-04-25 01:11:52 UTC
Post by Pixie
Really? Is that why psychiatrists give psychotic people
antipsychotics? because it doesnt alter their thought processes? what
is it meant to do then?
We're discussing antidepressants, dipshit. Stop trying to change the
subject due to the fact that you are an obvious moron.
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
nor do they alter behavior
ditto, for the antipsychotics, and what would be the point of giving
someone antidepressants if they still stayed in bed all day too
depressed to get out of bed? they give people these drugs to change
your behaviour. why would they give prozac to someone with a bulimia
if they simply kept puking still? of course its meant to alter your
behaviour. why do they give ritalin to kids with adhd if they still
ran around like nut baskets?
My point is thus: A person on antidepressants still have the choice to
stay in bed all day. A person on Ritalin still has the choice to run
around like nut baskets. That behavior is, indeed, a choice behavior.
Medication only serves to make that choice a possibility.
Post by Pixie
I am a lot closer than you are, but forgetting who has more scientific
qualifications, which i am sure is no contest, it is common sense.
Actually, you've proven yourself as an illogical and irrational moron
time and time again. But I'll let you have your fantasy. I'm sure you
can discuss it with your psychiatrist later on. "Someone was mean to me
on the internet!"
Post by Pixie
"Suicidality and Antidepressant Drugs — Antidepressants increased the
risk compared to
placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children,
adolescents, and young
adults in short-term studies of major depressive disorder (MDD) and
other psychiatric
Antidepressants are shown to increase thoughts of suicide in people who
already have such thoughts. But suicide is, and ultimately remains, a
choice behavior. No antidepressant can *force* a person to kill himself,
which is the argument it seems you try to make. Nor can any
antidepressant *force* a person to turn into a homicidal maniac (and
there is no evidence that it even has the ability to influence such
behavior in the first place)
Post by Pixie
"All patients being treated with antidepressants for any indication
should be monitored appropriately and observed closely
This is worth highlighting. I am surprised that you would dare quote
something which expressly states that people on antidepressants should
have medical supervision, given your irrational hatred of psychiatrists,
psychologists, and general practitioners.
2008-04-25 01:32:46 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Really? Is that why psychiatrists give psychotic people
antipsychotics? because it doesnt alter their thought processes? what
is it meant to do then?
We're discussing antidepressants, dipshit. Stop trying to change the
subject due to the fact that you are an obvious moron.
ABOUT ANTIDEPRESSANTS your a bit of an idiot, arent you?
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
ditto, for the antipsychotics, and what would be the point of giving
someone antidepressants if they still stayed in bed all day too
depressed to get out of bed? they give people these drugs to change
your behaviour. why would they give prozac to someone with a bulimia
if they simply kept puking still? of course its meant to alter your
behaviour. why do they give ritalin to kids with adhd if they still
ran around like nut baskets?
My point is thus: A person on antidepressants still have the choice to
stay in bed all day. A person on Ritalin still has the choice to run
around like nut baskets. That behavior is, indeed, a choice behavior.
Medication only serves to make that choice a possibility.
REALLY?? Does that mean that when you drink ALCOHOL you have THE
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
I am a lot closer than you are, but forgetting who has more scientific
qualifications, which i am sure is no contest, it is common sense.
Actually, you've proven yourself as an illogical and irrational moron
time and time again.
Post by Jeff L
But I'll let you have your fantasy. I'm sure you
can discuss it with your psychiatrist later on. "Someone was mean to me
on the internet!"
Your hardly mean, more like an ignorant cunt.
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
"Suicidality and Antidepressant Drugs — Antidepressants increased the
risk compared to
placebo of suicidal thinking and behavior (suicidality) in children,
adolescents, and young
adults in short-term studies of major depressive disorder (MDD) and
other psychiatric
Antidepressants are shown to increase thoughts of suicide in people who
already have such thoughts. But suicide is, and ultimately remains, a
choice behavior. No antidepressant can *force* a person to kill himself,
which is the argument it seems you try to make. Nor can any
antidepressant *force* a person to turn into a homicidal maniac (and
there is no evidence that it even has the ability to influence such
behavior in the first place)
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
"All patients being treated with antidepressants for any indication
should be monitored appropriately and observed closely
This is worth highlighting. I am surprised that you would dare quote
something which expressly states that people on antidepressants should
have medical supervision, given your irrational hatred of psychiatrists,
psychologists, and general practitioners.
THEY ARE HANDING OUT or the side effects because the companies cover
up their clinical trials. just read the fucking articles if you have
a brain cell. there's buckets of them.

You didnt read a fucking bit of it did you, well that CITED EVIDENCE
IT CHANGES BEHAVIOUR, you dumb prick.

Jesus, even trying to educate you is a fucking waste, your parents
must be ashamed.
Jeff L
2008-04-25 01:40:31 UTC
Post by Pixie
Your hardly mean, more like an ignorant cunt.
Psychological projection, much? Oops, that's one of those "psych" words.
My bad.
Post by Pixie
Psychosis isn't a "behavior".
Post by Pixie
I dont hate them I THINK THEY ARE STUPID!
And I'm sure they feel the same way about you. But before you use that
to justify another psych-rant, keep in mind that the general population
feels the exact same way.
Post by Pixie
You didnt read a fucking bit of it did you, well that CITED EVIDENCE
IT CHANGES BEHAVIOUR, you dumb prick.
I'm not here to debate the evidence. I'm here to debate the false logic
and idealogical totalitarianism. There is evidence that anti-depressants
are associated with an increased risk of suicide. I don't debate that.
I'm debating the ridiculous logical fallacies that you and Brittany find
so popular and use to justify your "PSYCHIATRY IS DESIGNED TO FLEECE
Post by Pixie
Jesus, even trying to educate you is a fucking waste, your parents
must be ashamed.
I'm sure they'd be quite proud, actually, wherever they may be. But
thank you, regardless.
Little Lord Fauntleroy
2008-04-25 01:42:34 UTC
Los Angeles Superior Court Judge Paul Breckenridge, June 1984, in the
Gerry Armstrong case:

"In addition to violating and abusing its own members' civil rights,
the organization over the years with its 'fair game' doctrine has
harassed and abused those persons not in the church whom it perceives
as enemies."
2008-04-25 02:08:18 UTC
Post by Jeff L
I'm not here to debate the evidence. I'm here to debate the false logic
and idealogical totalitarianism. There is evidence that anti-depressants
are associated with an increased risk of suicide. I don't debate that.
I'm debating the ridiculous logical fallacies that you and Brittany find
so popular and use to justify your "PSYCHIATRY IS DESIGNED TO FLEECE
no, i dont, i dont personally think they are smart enough to PURPOSELY
DO IT, they arent designed to do it dont be retarded. they are too
stupid to design such a cunning plan they are not inheretly evil they
are STUPID and dont know jack shit about what they are prescribing
because the government knocks meds through too much, pharmaceutical
companies BRIBE DOCTORS TOO MUCH, there is not enough research etc. it
isnt a cunning plan, its their LACK OF PLAN.

i never said such a thing,"PSYCHIATRY IS DESIGNED TO FLEECE
Post by Jeff L
YOUR MONEY AND POISON YOUR MIND" i said they were stupid and didnt know what they were playing with and they play with fire. forget about all this medical supervision nonsense. doctors are fed this bullshit that these things are not addictive and do not supervise a suitable withdrawal process BECAUSE THEY DONT KNOW HOW TO! they tell you you can stop the thing cold turkey.
2008-04-25 01:58:09 UTC







"Antidepressants are shown to increase thoughts of suicide in people
already have such thoughts. "

no, mr. brain box, there is a difference between being deoressed and
suicidal and what about all those clinical trials of HEALTHY

Johnson was among 100 healthy participants in the latest tests, Smith
said. She received $150 a day plus meals.

Johnson initially took the drug but recently was switched to a
placebo, Smith said.


"Coming off psych drugs may increase hostility
The FDA issued a warning that when taking SSRI antidepressants, any
abrupt change in dose (up or down) can result in suicide, psychosis or
hostility -- their word to describe homicide. There is mounting
scientific evidence that during withdrawal from these drugs, there
could be a temporary worsening of hostility, violence, suicidiality
and other negative symptoms. This danger usually begins from 3 weeks
to 4 months after discontinuing the drug and lasts from 1 month to 1
year. Even though the medication will no longer show up in a blood
test or autopsy report, the brain neurotransmitters are still trying
to "realign" themselves and symptoms can continue. If your child is
coming off any medication it would be very wise to closely monitor his
or her behavior with regard to these potentially worsening symptoms."

That FDA is a load of scientologists arent they?

"But suicide is, and ultimately remains, a
choice behavior. No antidepressant can *force* a person to kill
which is the argument it seems you try to make.

er, of course they cant force someone to kill themselves you dumb
fuck, but their behaviour TURNS SUICIDAL, it changes their behaviour,
and surely after all your lovely reading you realise ANTIDEPRESSANTS
really cant be this stupid. its not possible.
Post by Jeff L
Nor can any
antidepressant *force* a person to turn into a homicidal maniac (and
there is no evidence that it even has the ability to influence such
behavior in the first place) -

---er, what did you think those articles by ELI LILLY AND CNN WERE
oh look! a case of a perfectly fun loving church going hick that ends
up topping herself in a clinical trial for $150 per day, I THINK WE

Exhibit fucking A):


I dare say i should no longer quote scientific evidence to you because
you are too good damn stupid to understand it.

BEHAVIOUR? learn to read.
Jeff L
2008-04-25 02:03:50 UTC
Post by Pixie
no, mr. brain box, there is a difference between being deoressed and
suicidal and what about all those clinical trials of HEALTHY
Sigh. Ignorant sow, they do not test anti-depressants on people who
would, logically, have no need of antidepressants. They test them on
people who have diagnosed clinical depression. It wouldn't make any
sense to test a drug on Joe Public, because Joe Public would respond
quite differently.
Post by Pixie
any abrupt change in dose (up or down) can result in suicide, psychosis or
hostility -- their word to describe homicide.
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
this DOESN'T HAPPEN. Drugs are gradually increased, or decreased - NEVER
abruptly started or stopped.

Additional bullshit not worthy of response snipped, as usual.
2008-04-25 02:24:03 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
no, mr. brain box, there is a difference between being deoressed and
suicidal and what about all those clinical trials of HEALTHY
Sigh. Ignorant sow, they do not test anti-depressants on people who
would, logically, have no need of antidepressants. They test them on
people who have diagnosed clinical depression.
REALLY?? Well, I guess you know JACK SHIT ABOUT HOW TO GET A
Traci Johnson, oh sorry, i assumed that you could actually read
Post by Jeff L
It wouldn't make any
sense to test a drug on Joe Public, because Joe Public would respond
quite differently.

Phase I
Phase I trials are the first stage of testing in human subjects.
Normally, a small (20-80) group of HEALTHY volunteers will be
selected. This phase includes trials designed to assess the safety
(pharmacovigilance), tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and
pharmacodynamics of a drug. These trials are often conducted in an
inpatient clinic, where the subject can be observed by full-time
staff. The subject who receives the drug is usually observed until
several half-lives of the drug have passed. Phase I trials also
normally include dose-ranging, also called dose escalation, studies so
that the appropriate dose for therapeutic use can be found.


Read about clinical trials before you shoot off your mouth.
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
any abrupt change in dose (up or down) can result in suicide, psychosis or
hostility -- their word to describe homicide.
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
this DOESN'T HAPPEN. Drugs are gradually increased, or decreased - NEVER
abruptly started or stopped.

in many articles they state the the prozac LONG HALF LIFE MEANS YOU
CAN STOP COLD TURKEY, and doctors reflect this:

"The elimination half-life is long: 1-4 days for fluoxetine and 7-10
days for norfluoxetine. Because of the long half-life, the drug can be
administered once daily, efficacy is unaffected by an occasional
missed dose, and abrupt termination of therapy results in gradual
cessation of effects."

BULLSHIT it means you get delayed withdrawals. i wish you could read.
Jeff L
2008-04-25 02:27:40 UTC
Post by Pixie
REALLY?? Well, I guess you know JACK SHIT ABOUT HOW TO GET A
Traci Johnson, oh sorry, i assumed that you could actually read
I'll admit I hadn't read your link at the time I submitted this posting,
and I retract my prior statement.
Post by Pixie
Indeed. It makes, as I've said, absolutely zero sense to test a drug
with psychiatric properties on a person who has no psychiatric problems.
Ritalin, for example, is a stimulant. The effect it has on a person
without ADHD is significantly different than the effect it has on a
person with ADHD. I wasn't aware that they tested these drugs on people
who would not have any problems that the drug would be designed to treat.
2008-04-25 02:43:32 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
REALLY?? Well, I guess you know JACK SHIT ABOUT HOW TO GET A
Traci Johnson, oh sorry, i assumed that you could actually read
I'll admit I hadn't read your link at the time I submitted this posting,
and I retract my prior statement.
Post by Pixie
Indeed. It makes, as I've said, absolutely zero sense to test a drug
with psychiatric properties on a person who has no psychiatric problems.
well, ACTUALLY, IT DOES if you read how clinical trials are designed,
because they are testing MORE than the psychiatric effects, Pre-
clinical studies involve in vitro (i.e., test tube or laboratory)
studies and trials on animal populations (in vivo). Phase 0 is a
recent designation for exploratory, first-in-human trials conducted in
accordance with the U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s (FDA) 2006
Guidance on Exploratory Investigational New Drug (IND) Studies.[7]
Phase 0 trials are also known as human microdosing studies and are
designed to speed up the development of promising drugs or imaging
agents by establishing very early on whether the drug or agent behaves
in human subjects as was anticipated from preclinical studies.

Phase I trials are the first stage of testing in human subjects.
Normally, a small (20-80) group of healthy volunteers will be
selected. This phase includes trials designed to assess the safety
(pharmacovigilance), tolerability, pharmacokinetics, and
pharmacodynamics of a drug.

Phase II-
Once the initial safety of the study drug has been confirmed in Phase
I trials, Phase II trials are performed on larger groups (20-300) and
are designed to assess how well the drug works, as well as to continue
Phase I safety assessments in a larger group of volunteers and
patients. When the development process for a new drug fails, this
usually occurs during Phase II trials when the drug is discovered not
to work as planned, or to have toxic effects.

Phase III studies are randomized controlled multicenter trials on
large patient groups (300–3,000 or more depending upon the disease/
medical condition studied) and are aimed at being the definitive
assessment of how effective the drug is, in comparison with current
'gold standard' treatment.

Phase IV trial is also known as Post Marketing Surveillance Trial.
Phase IV trials involve the safety surveillance (pharmacovigilance)
and ongoing technical support of a drug after it receives permission
to be sold. Phase IV studies may be required by regulatory authorities
or may be undertaken by the sponsoring company for competitive
(finding a new market for the drug) or other reasons (for example, the
drug may not have been tested for interactions with other drugs, or on
certain population groups such as pregnant women, who are unlikely to
subject themselves to trials).
Post by Jeff L
Ritalin, for example, is a stimulant. The effect it has on a person
without ADHD is significantly different than the effect it has on a
person with ADHD. I wasn't aware that they tested these drugs on people
who would not have any problems that the drug would be designed to treat.
oooh, Jeff, it doesnt look like you know as much as you assumed you
did about pharmaceuticals does it?

i am very proud that you could actuallly read that, see? you learn
something new everyday, and i am sure that you would be surprised as
hell at some of the "medical practices" of some "qualified" medical
doctor. no, these things shouldnt happen but they DO, every day.

Like getting cut off medication cold turkey by doctors advice.
i am actually very proud you learned something today! :-)
2008-04-25 02:25:42 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
Jeff L
2008-04-25 02:33:04 UTC
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
Where you treated by said doctor? Or can you point to a person who was,
and was abruptly removed from a medication?

Taking someone off of most any medication without some sort of gradual
reduction of dosage is dangerous. There are a few exceptions to this
(antibiotics come to mind), but in general, it's a bad medical practice.
As a person who was on eight different medications and under psychiatric
supervision (albeit relatively poor; a nurse oversaw my medications for
3 of those years as the Oregon Health Plan was too cheap to allow me a
proper psychiatrist) for 5 years, I can assert that *NEVER* was I
abruptly removed from a medication. Indeed, it was well-communicated to
me to NEVER let that happen.
2008-04-25 02:54:12 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
Where you treated by said doctor? Or can you point to a person who was,
and was abruptly removed from a medication?
Yes, it was me.
Post by Jeff L
Taking someone off of most any medication without some sort of gradual
reduction of dosage is dangerous.
oh, jeff, maybe you should have told him that, where were you when i
needed you?
Post by Jeff L
There are a few exceptions to this
(antibiotics come to mind), but in general, it's a bad medical practice.
well, maybe you can help me file a complaint.
Post by Jeff L
As a person who was on eight different medications and under psychiatric
supervision (albeit relatively poor; a nurse oversaw my medications for
3 of those years as the Oregon Health Plan was too cheap to allow me a
proper psychiatrist) for 5 years, I can assert that *NEVER* was I
abruptly removed from a medication. Indeed, it was well-communicated to
me to NEVER let that happen.
REALLY? Well, when i was under the care of such high profile harvard
doctor, I was removed from meds cold turkey 5- 8 times, in a very
short space of time, because he just couldnt quite decide what to give
me, i begged him not to. I was always told not to worry, it wasnt
addictive, you can stop at any time, prozac has a long half life blah
blah and then when i was having withdrawals he wouldnt give it back to
me and wanted to put me on the "latest" antidepressants on the market
within a VERY SMALL SPACE IN TIME because none of them worked because
i was having withdrawals. When he refused to give me back the original
one I sat there trying to get the next one that was chemically close
enough to it.
Jeff L
2008-04-25 02:42:02 UTC
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
I should probably alter my terminology.

Under the monitoring of a GOOD physician, this doesn't happen. There are
piss-poor doctors, and these piss-poor doctors sometimes inhabit notable
2008-04-25 02:55:29 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
I should probably alter my terminology.
Under the monitoring of a GOOD physician, this doesn't happen. There are
piss-poor doctors, and these piss-poor doctors sometimes inhabit notable
yes, i think you are learning now.
2008-04-25 12:54:52 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
I should probably alter my terminology.
Under the monitoring of a GOOD physician, this doesn't happen. There are
piss-poor doctors, and these piss-poor doctors sometimes inhabit notable
yes,  i think you are learning now.
Pixie, yes, antidepressants can make you more suicidal in the first
few weeks of treatment - but have you considered what a danger
unmedicated clinical depression is?

I'm not a major fan of meds - they've done me a lot of damage at times
- but hand on heart I can say I wouldn't be here without them. The
side effects, even the psychosis, vomiting, and everything else I
suffered when I was forced to abruptly discontinue 40mg citalopram by
my doctor do not cancel out the clear benefits they've had to me - I
can get out of bed, I can think coherently (most of the time), I'm
attending college.. nor am I saying they're really suitable for
anything other than clear, major depressive disorder - and perhaps
there is a problem with overprescription, I don't know enough about it
to say, and I'm not denying that if there is a problem with too many
being prescribed to people who don't really need them then that is
appalling.. but they do have their worth and they can be life-saving
for those that need them.
2008-04-25 14:19:01 UTC
Post by Avalanche
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
I should probably alter my terminology.
Under the monitoring of a GOOD physician, this doesn't happen. There are
piss-poor doctors, and these piss-poor doctors sometimes inhabit notable
yes, i think you are learning now.
Pixie, yes, antidepressants can make you more suicidal in the first
few weeks of treatment - but have you considered what a danger
unmedicated clinical depression is?
well, perhaps major clinical depression, but im not sure if you read
any of my links but most antidepressants arent given for major
clinical depression in the UK. PMT? have an antidepressant. anxiety?
have an antidepressant. eating disorder? have an antidepressant. balh
blah blah
Post by Avalanche
I'm not a major fan of meds - they've done me a lot of damage at times
- but hand on heart I can say I wouldn't be here without them.
well, maybe you had major clinical depression, most on antidepressants
Post by Avalanche
side effects, even the psychosis, vomiting, and everything else I
suffered when I was forced to abruptly discontinue 40mg citalopram by
my doctor do not cancel out the clear benefits they've had to me - I
can get out of bed, I can think coherently (most of the time), I'm
attending college.. nor am I saying they're really suitable for
anything other than clear, major depressive disorder - and perhaps
there is a problem with overprescription, I don't know enough about it
to say, and I'm not denying that if there is a problem with too many
being prescribed to people who don't really need them then that is
appalling.. but they do have their worth and they can be life-saving
for those that need them.
MOST PEOPLE DO NOT NEED THEM! see references. and i may have been
depressed before (who on their period hasnt been) but nothing can make
you as fucking crazy as antidepepressants. and most people that are
depressed do not go on a shooting rampage, set themself on fire, etc
etc etc.
2008-04-30 09:32:08 UTC
Jeff L, you seem to be talking sense. Pixie comes across as arrogant,
irritable and illogical. Don't let her bother you.
Post by Pixie
Post by Avalanche
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
I should probably alter my terminology.
Under the monitoring of a GOOD physician, this doesn't happen. There are
piss-poor doctors, and these piss-poor doctors sometimes inhabit notable
yes, i think you are learning now.
Pixie, yes, antidepressants can make you more suicidal in the first
few weeks of treatment - but have you considered what a danger
unmedicated clinical depression is?
well, perhaps major clinical depression, but im not sure if you read
any of my links but most antidepressants arent given for major
clinical depression in the UK. PMT? have an antidepressant. anxiety?
have an antidepressant. eating disorder? have an antidepressant. balh
blah blah
Post by Avalanche
I'm not a major fan of meds - they've done me a lot of damage at times
- but hand on heart I can say I wouldn't be here without them.
well, maybe you had major clinical depression, most on antidepressants
Post by Avalanche
side effects, even the psychosis, vomiting, and everything else I
suffered when I was forced to abruptly discontinue 40mg citalopram by
my doctor do not cancel out the clear benefits they've had to me - I
can get out of bed, I can think coherently (most of the time), I'm
attending college.. nor am I saying they're really suitable for
anything other than clear, major depressive disorder - and perhaps
there is a problem with overprescription, I don't know enough about it
to say, and I'm not denying that if there is a problem with too many
being prescribed to people who don't really need them then that is
appalling.. but they do have their worth and they can be life-saving
for those that need them.
MOST PEOPLE DO NOT NEED THEM! see references. and i may have been
depressed before (who on their period hasnt been) but nothing can make
you as fucking crazy as antidepepressants. and most people that are
depressed do not go on a shooting rampage, set themself on fire, etc
etc etc.
2008-04-30 10:46:50 UTC
Post by lostfrogg
Jeff L, you seem to be talking sense. Pixie comes across as arrogant,
irritable and illogical. Don't let her bother you.
Post by Pixie
Post by Avalanche
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Key word: Abrupt change. Under the monitoring of a qualified physician,
REALLY? well, there must be A LOT of unqualified doctors running
around then, I dont think a top Doctor at Harvard would appreciate
being called unqualified...
I should probably alter my terminology.
Under the monitoring of a GOOD physician, this doesn't happen. There are
piss-poor doctors, and these piss-poor doctors sometimes inhabit notable
yes, i think you are learning now.
Pixie, yes, antidepressants can make you more suicidal in the first
few weeks of treatment - but have you considered what a danger
unmedicated clinical depression is?
well, perhaps major clinical depression, but im not sure if you read
any of my links but most antidepressants arent given for major
clinical depression in the UK. PMT? have an antidepressant. anxiety?
have an antidepressant. eating disorder? have an antidepressant. balh
blah blah
Post by Avalanche
I'm not a major fan of meds - they've done me a lot of damage at times
- but hand on heart I can say I wouldn't be here without them.
well, maybe you had major clinical depression, most on antidepressants
Post by Avalanche
side effects, even the psychosis, vomiting, and everything else I
suffered when I was forced to abruptly discontinue 40mg citalopram by
my doctor do not cancel out the clear benefits they've had to me - I
can get out of bed, I can think coherently (most of the time), I'm
attending college.. nor am I saying they're really suitable for
anything other than clear, major depressive disorder - and perhaps
there is a problem with overprescription, I don't know enough about it
to say, and I'm not denying that if there is a problem with too many
being prescribed to people who don't really need them then that is
appalling.. but they do have their worth and they can be life-saving
for those that need them.
MOST PEOPLE DO NOT NEED THEM! see references. and i may have been
depressed before (who on their period hasnt been) but nothing can make
you as fucking crazy as antidepepressants. and most people that are
depressed do not go on a shooting rampage, set themself on fire, etc
etc etc.
LOL, talking sense? "abrupt changes do not happen" er, they have to
many, 2 people are currently posting about it now! dont promote your
own ignorance!

"medicine is not tested on healthy people" cited clinical trials
procedures. get a grip.
"medicine does not alter thought processes or behaviour although it
chemically changes the body" excuse myself while i piss myself
laughing lostfrog!
arrogant? why? by sharing scientific knowledge to clear up
irritable? yes, fools irritate me when they say something without
backing up their comments or listening to scientific reason and
Illogical? I am posting clear scientific evidence and citations. the
whole pharmaceutical industry with psych meds and doctors is
illogical, you cant blame me for that, or me showing evidence of it.
get a grip and wake up.
I am only trying to clear up misconceptions i am not trying to bother
anyone. Next time maybe people will back up their statements with
evidence and not just spout tosh.
2008-04-25 00:34:08 UTC
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
especially from some cunt that asserts that mind altering medications
arent mind altering.
Anti-depressants aren't "mind altering". The alter the chemical
structure of the body in an attempt to counteract chronic emotional
problems. Your point, thus, is invalid.
let get this straight, you are saying that this drug alters the
chemical structure of your BODY in an attempt to counteract mental
problems (ie the fucking BRAIN) in order to COUNTERACT "chronic
please go tell a psychiatrist that antidepressants do not effect the
Antidepressants or, as I prefer to call them, Serotonin regulators,
assist the brain chemically to maintain proper serotinin levels.

From wikipedia
"Serotonin (pronounced /ˌsɛrəˈtoʊnən/) (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT)
is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesized in serotonergic neurons in
the central nervous system"

Yes antidepressants alter the brain chemically by doing what the brain
has ceased to do on its own, that is create the required amount of

Yes there is an increased rate of suicide in people under 18 and this
is why the FDA bans the use of these drugs, with the exception of
Prozac, to those under 18


Neither the Scientology antidepressant critics nor the auto anti-
antidepressant posters are looking at the entire picture.

People on antidepressants must be under the care of a medical
professional to monitor for side effects. They must not alter their
dosage without the approval of their medical professional. If they do
these two things they will have much more productive lives than
without the drugs.

One major problem with the Virginia Tech shooter was that he was not
under medical supervision.


My feeling is that those with a diagnosed mental illness should not be
able to legally own guns. We don't let legally blind people drive
cars, do we?
2008-04-25 12:56:36 UTC
Post by h***@mailinator.com
Post by Pixie
Post by Pixie
especially from some cunt that asserts that mind altering medications
 > arent mind altering.
Anti-depressants aren't "mind altering". The alter the chemical
structure of the body in an attempt to counteract chronic emotional
problems. Your point, thus, is invalid.
let get this straight, you are saying that this drug alters the
chemical structure of your BODY  in an attempt to counteract mental
problems (ie the fucking BRAIN) in order to COUNTERACT "chronic
please go tell a psychiatrist that antidepressants do not effect the
Antidepressants or, as I prefer to call them, Serotonin regulators,
assist the brain chemically to maintain proper serotinin levels.
From wikipedia
"Serotonin (pronounced /ˌsɛrəˈtoʊnən/) (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT)
is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesized in serotonergic neurons in
the central nervous system"
Yes antidepressants alter the brain chemically by doing what the brain
has ceased to do on its own, that is create the required amount of
Yes there is an increased rate of suicide in people under 18 and this
is why the FDA bans the use of these drugs, with the exception of
Prozac,  to those under 18
Neither the Scientology antidepressant critics nor the auto anti-
antidepressant posters are looking at the entire picture.
People on antidepressants must be under the care of a medical
professional to monitor for side effects.  They must not alter their
dosage without the approval of their medical professional.  If they do
these two things they will have much more productive lives than
without the drugs.
One major problem with the Virginia Tech shooter was that he was not
under medical supervision.
My feeling is that those with a diagnosed mental illness should not be
able to legally own guns.  We don't let legally blind people drive
cars, do we?
They're not all serotonin regulators - there are those that act
primarily on norepeniphrene and dopamine.

And I don't agree with you entirely on the patient determining dosage
thing - I've had to tweak my own meds every time I've been prescribed
them to find something that works for me - the psychiatrist is not
living in my head.
2008-04-30 11:42:30 UTC
Post by Avalanche
Post by h***@mailinator.com
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
especially from some cunt that asserts that mind altering medications
arent mind altering.
Anti-depressants aren't "mind altering". The alter the chemical
structure of the body in an attempt to counteract chronic emotional
problems. Your point, thus, is invalid.
let get this straight, you are saying that this drug alters the
chemical structure of your BODY in an attempt to counteract mental
problems (ie the fucking BRAIN) in order to COUNTERACT "chronic
please go tell a psychiatrist that antidepressants do not effect the
Antidepressants or, as I prefer to call them, Serotonin regulators,
assist the brain chemically to maintain proper serotinin levels.
From wikipedia
"Serotonin (pronounced /ˌsɛrəˈtoʊnən/) (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT)
is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesized in serotonergic neurons in
the central nervous system"
Yes antidepressants alter the brain chemically by doing what the brain
has ceased to do on its own, that is create the required amount of
Yes there is an increased rate of suicide in people under 18 and this
is why the FDA bans the use of these drugs, with the exception of
Prozac, to those under 18
Neither the Scientology antidepressant critics nor the auto anti-
antidepressant posters are looking at the entire picture.
People on antidepressants must be under the care of a medical
professional to monitor for side effects. They must not alter their
dosage without the approval of their medical professional. If they do
these two things they will have much more productive lives than
without the drugs.
One major problem with the Virginia Tech shooter was that he was not
under medical supervision.
My feeling is that those with a diagnosed mental illness should not be
able to legally own guns. We don't let legally blind people drive
cars, do we?
They're not all serotonin regulators - there are those that act
primarily on norepeniphrene and dopamine.
And I don't agree with you entirely on the patient determining dosage
thing - I've had to tweak my own meds every time I've been prescribed
them to find something that works for me - the psychiatrist is not
living in my head.
OK, Yes you tweak them, but you keep your psychiatrist informed of the
change so he/she can keep an eye out for any changes in your
condition. The key here is that people on meds be closely monitored
until the individual's optimum dosage can be determined.
2008-04-30 15:08:05 UTC
Post by h***@mailinator.com
Post by Avalanche
Post by h***@mailinator.com
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
especially from some cunt that asserts that mind altering medications
arent mind altering.
Anti-depressants aren't "mind altering". The alter the chemical
structure of the body in an attempt to counteract chronic emotional
problems. Your point, thus, is invalid.
let get this straight, you are saying that this drug alters the
chemical structure of your BODY in an attempt to counteract mental
problems (ie the fucking BRAIN) in order to COUNTERACT "chronic
please go tell a psychiatrist that antidepressants do not effect the
Antidepressants or, as I prefer to call them, Serotonin regulators,
assist the brain chemically to maintain proper serotinin levels.
From wikipedia
"Serotonin (pronounced /ˌsɛrəˈtoʊnən/) (5-hydroxytryptamine, or 5-HT)
is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesized in serotonergic neurons in
the central nervous system"
Yes antidepressants alter the brain chemically by doing what the brain
has ceased to do on its own, that is create the required amount of
Yes there is an increased rate of suicide in people under 18 and this
is why the FDA bans the use of these drugs, with the exception of
Prozac, to those under 18
Neither the Scientology antidepressant critics nor the auto anti-
antidepressant posters are looking at the entire picture.
People on antidepressants must be under the care of a medical
professional to monitor for side effects. They must not alter their
dosage without the approval of their medical professional. If they do
these two things they will have much more productive lives than
without the drugs.
One major problem with the Virginia Tech shooter was that he was not
under medical supervision.
My feeling is that those with a diagnosed mental illness should not be
able to legally own guns. We don't let legally blind people drive
cars, do we?
They're not all serotonin regulators - there are those that act
primarily on norepeniphrene and dopamine.
And I don't agree with you entirely on the patient determining dosage
thing - I've had to tweak my own meds every time I've been prescribed
them to find something that works for me - the psychiatrist is not
living in my head.
OK, Yes you tweak them, but you keep your psychiatrist informed of the
change so he/she can keep an eye out for any changes in your
condition. The key here is that people on meds be closely monitored
until the individual's optimum dosage can be determined.
er, clearly you have missed the posts on ash/asm etc. about doctors
tweaking meds... and fucking it up badly then, havent you?

Jeff L
2008-04-24 18:14:20 UTC
Post by Pixie
hahaha not as ignorant as you, it doesnt take too much of a brain cell
to figure out if one is going to reply to a post, you hit the reply
button under the post you are RESPONDING TO! geez, maybe you should
review how to use ngs!
No, I was responding to YOUR defense of the ignorant spammer who
produced this thread. Do you or do you not assert that antidepressants
cause violent behavior?
Post by Pixie
and you never cited any evidence that this assertion is false when i
asked you to, therefore you are not defending your position at all.
anyway, there is no "logic of her position" she was citing evidence,
something i havent seen you do.
Demonstrating false logic doesn't require one to "produce evidence".
Post by Pixie
she cited evidence, you didnt. therefore you have to supply evidence
that her evidence is false through scientific studies of her theory,
um, which you didnt provide.
The evidence she "cited" was her blog.
Post by Pixie
well, thats one piece of evidence you didnt supply, isnt it?
Invalid. A youtube clip purporting to be from a doctor is not a reliable
source. If she wants to prove her point, she needs to point to published
medical journals and peer-reviewed studies. Has she done that? No.
Hence, bullshit.
Post by Pixie
thats marketing babe, suck it up. surely you have seen marketing you
dont like before havent you?
No, this is called "spam", and I'm quite sure her webhost would be very
interested in her usenet activities...
Jeff L
2008-04-24 18:15:29 UTC
Post by Pixie
hahaha not as ignorant as you, it doesnt take too much of a brain cell
to figure out if one is going to reply to a post, you hit the reply
button under the post you are RESPONDING TO! geez, maybe you should
review how to use ngs!
No, I was responding to YOUR defense of the ignorant spammer who
produced this thread. Do you or do you not assert that antidepressants
cause violent behavior?
Post by Pixie
and you never cited any evidence that this assertion is false when i
asked you to, therefore you are not defending your position at all.
anyway, there is no "logic of her position" she was citing evidence,
something i havent seen you do.
Demonstrating false logic doesn't require one to "produce evidence".
Post by Pixie
she cited evidence, you didnt. therefore you have to supply evidence
that her evidence is false through scientific studies of her theory,
um, which you didnt provide.
The evidence she "cited" was her blog.
Post by Pixie
well, thats one piece of evidence you didnt supply, isnt it?
Invalid. A youtube clip purporting to be from a doctor is not a reliable
source. If she wants to prove her point, she needs to point to published
medical journals and peer-reviewed studies. Has she done that? No.
Hence, bullshit.
Post by Pixie
thats marketing babe, suck it up. surely you have seen marketing you
dont like before havent you?
No, this is called "spam", and I'm quite sure her webhost would be very
interested in her usenet activities...
2008-04-24 10:03:07 UTC
Post by Jeff L
Post by Pixie
i dont know jack shit about any celebrity, and i certainly never
stated what drugs they took, i am beginning to think this post wasnt
for me or you are deluded. (you should see a psychiatrist about
You are one ignorant little shit, aren't you? This thread is in response
to spam by ignorant shill Brittany asserting that anti-depressants cause
people to develop violent tendencies. I'm merely demonstrating the false
logic of that position, which, incidentally, YOU ARE DEFENDING.
Regardless, the onus isn't on me to prove that her position is BULLSHIT,
it is on here to prove that it is valid. All she can and has been able
to do is link to a youtube clip purporting to be from a doctor and to
further spam her own blog in attempts to generate traffic for her
pathetic and ignorant website.
stating that mind altering substances are not capable of altering the
mind, which controls behaviour, is quite unreasonable.
2008-04-24 19:08:06 UTC
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry.
COOL you know this for a fact? tell us where you cite your facts from
then? also, the withdrawals of these medications can mess you up as
well as going on them. if this is your argument then perhaps people
that are suffering heroin withdrawals that create crime to obtain
their med should actually NEED to be medicated and its not heroins
fault at all that crime is committed  its because they NEED to be
medicated!!! most heroin crime is not committed ON the drug, its
withdrawals when people need their fix.
Fact: It was raining in Spain at the time "blah blah" shot his school

Fact: The rain in spain caused "blah blah" to shoot his school teacher

Fact: Psychiatry has caused the demise of every civilization for the
last gazzillion years.

Fact: L Ron Hubbard is god.

Get the facts straight!

2008-04-24 19:30:35 UTC
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry.
COOL you know this for a fact? tell us where you cite your facts from
then? also, the withdrawals of these medications can mess you up as
well as going on them. if this is your argument then perhaps people
that are suffering heroin withdrawals that create crime to obtain
their med should actually NEED to be medicated and its not heroins
fault at all that crime is committed its because they NEED to be
medicated!!! most heroin crime is not committed ON the drug, its
withdrawals when people need their fix.
Fact: It was raining in Spain at the time "blah blah" shot his school
Fact: The rain in spain caused "blah blah" to shoot his school teacher
Fact: Psychiatry has caused the demise of every civilization for the
last gazzillion years.
Fact: L Ron Hubbard is god.
Get the facts straight!
ALT.RELIGION.SCIENTOLOGY (ARS) if you hate scientology (despite
whatshername saying she isnt a scientologist) ?? all of your fucking
posts are on that ARS ng!! what do you fucking expect to read about on
that ng if its not SCIENTOLOGY?? Or did you get confused and think
thats where all the ARSes hung out? get a fucking grip you trolls.
forget about spam, trolling isnt the most socially acceptable USENET
activities either. you are both full of shit. and spout it constantly.
you make more outrageous claims than this other person is as you are
making assumption about her motives, her assertions, etc etc etc. stop
hanging around alt.religion.scientology and boost your fucking

and then Jeff whatshisname says mind altering meds arent mind
altering, you make more outrageous claims than this Brittany person.

maybe if you read other peoples written accounts of being on meds in a
medication support group you'd actually have a fucking clue what you
were talking about, for fucks sake, the pharmacies have already
admitted these things cause suicidal behaviour, are THEY LIEING TOO?
surely the pharmaceutical companies are part of scientology for
listing negative side effects! and anyway, you seem to LIKE
scientology you post on the god damn group constantly!

2008-04-24 19:40:48 UTC
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry.
COOL you know this for a fact? tell us where you cite your facts from
then? also, the withdrawals of these medications can mess you up as
well as going on them. if this is your argument then perhaps people
that are suffering heroin withdrawals that create crime to obtain
their med should actually NEED to be medicated and its not heroins
fault at all that crime is committed  its because they NEED to be
medicated!!! most heroin crime is not committed ON the drug, its
withdrawals when people need their fix.
Fact: It was raining in Spain at the time "blah blah" shot his school
Fact: The rain in spain caused "blah blah" to shoot his school teacher
Fact: Psychiatry has caused the demise of every civilization for the
last gazzillion years.
Fact: L Ron Hubbard is god.
Get the facts straight!
ALT.RELIGION.SCIENTOLOGY (ARS) if you hate scientology (despite
whatshername saying she isnt a scientologist) ??
First of all...

I do not hate Scientology.

And to prove it I am willing to have a discussion with you about any
part of the tech that you desire.

Your move...

all of your fucking
posts are on that ARS ng!! what do you fucking expect to read about on
that ng if its not SCIENTOLOGY?? Or did you get confused and think
thats where all the ARSes hung out? get a fucking grip you trolls.
forget about spam, trolling isnt the most socially acceptable USENET
activities either. you are both full of shit. and spout it constantly.
you make more outrageous claims than this other person is as you are
making assumption about her motives, her assertions, etc etc etc. stop
hanging around alt.religion.scientology and boost your fucking
and then Jeff whatshisname says mind altering meds arent mind
altering, you make more outrageous claims than this Brittany person.
maybe if you read other peoples written accounts of being on meds in a
medication support group you'd actually have a fucking clue what you
were talking about, for fucks sake, the pharmacies have already
admitted these things  cause suicidal behaviour, are THEY LIEING TOO?
surely the pharmaceutical companies are part of scientology for
listing negative side effects! and anyway, you seem to LIKE
scientology you post on the god damn group constantly!
GO GET A FUCKING HOBBY!- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
2008-04-24 19:45:58 UTC
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry.
COOL you know this for a fact? tell us where you cite your facts from
then? also, the withdrawals of these medications can mess you up as
well as going on them. if this is your argument then perhaps people
that are suffering heroin withdrawals that create crime to obtain
their med should actually NEED to be medicated and its not heroins
fault at all that crime is committed its because they NEED to be
medicated!!! most heroin crime is not committed ON the drug, its
withdrawals when people need their fix.
Fact: It was raining in Spain at the time "blah blah" shot his school
Fact: The rain in spain caused "blah blah" to shoot his school teacher
Fact: Psychiatry has caused the demise of every civilization for the
last gazzillion years.
Fact: L Ron Hubbard is god.
Get the facts straight!
you know what? I think you are right, antidepressants dont cause
school shootings (despite their increase in popularity) its idiots
like you that push people over the edge. surely.
2008-04-24 20:01:33 UTC
Post by Pixie
Post by r***@hotmail.com
Post by Pixie
Post by Jeff L
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go to
to view more
The actual facts aren't on your side, sorry.
COOL you know this for a fact? tell us where you cite your facts from
then? also, the withdrawals of these medications can mess you up as
well as going on them. if this is your argument then perhaps people
that are suffering heroin withdrawals that create crime to obtain
their med should actually NEED to be medicated and its not heroins
fault at all that crime is committed  its because they NEED to be
medicated!!! most heroin crime is not committed ON the drug, its
withdrawals when people need their fix.
Fact: It was raining in Spain at the time "blah blah" shot his school
Fact: The rain in spain caused "blah blah" to shoot his school teacher
Fact: Psychiatry has caused the demise of every civilization for the
last gazzillion years.
Fact: L Ron Hubbard is god.
Get the facts straight!
you know what? I think you are right, antidepressants dont cause
school shootings (despite their increase in popularity) its idiots
like you that push people over the edge. surely.- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
Oh dear...

Now that is funny.

2008-04-24 00:58:40 UTC
Post by Brittany
Did you know that most school shootings and acts of mass violence are
committed by people on antidepressants who showed no signs of violence
before being medicated? Go tohttp://badpsych.com/2008/04/22/kids-on-drugs-antidepressants-and-rita...
to view more
Delphi schools are not accredited schools. Pupils who attend them are
ineligible for college. Few of the students ever graduate because they
are removed from school and put on Staff without finishing their
2008-04-24 03:00:17 UTC
On Apr 22, 6:48 pm, Brittany <***@badpsych.com> wrote:
Justice Anderson, Supreme Court of Victoria, Australia:

"Scientology is evil; its techniques are evil; its practice is a
serious threat to the community, medically, morally, and socially; and
its adherents are sadly deluded and often mentally ill... (Scientology
is) the world's largest organization of unqualified persons engaged in
the practice of dangerous techniques which masquerade as mental