2008-05-31 16:06:21 UTC
Get yourself an appointment with a
psychiatrist, get yourself declared
schizoprenic and take the drugs
they give you. You'll soon find out
what happens after that. As your
brain is attacked by neurotoxins.
And once and for all you can be sure
that 'biological psychiatry' is
dangerous, and detrimental to your
mental and physical well-being; you
can also ascertain that the Church of
Scientology is right about one thing.
psychiatrist, get yourself declared
schizoprenic and take the drugs
they give you. You'll soon find out
what happens after that. As your
brain is attacked by neurotoxins.
And once and for all you can be sure
that 'biological psychiatry' is
dangerous, and detrimental to your
mental and physical well-being; you
can also ascertain that the Church of
Scientology is right about one thing.