Psychiatry and Hospititization
(too old to reply)
2008-10-31 01:09:33 UTC
I admit they are all useless SOB"s but you don't have to be a member
of Scientology to know that.
I also believe that these murderous Drs will never be stopped either,
not as long there are vulnerable people
out in the world.
I have been on every drug known to man and am lucky to be alive. I
have been chemically restrained, secluded
for days at a time and have even regarded myself as the so called
"Human Animal"
I was one of them force drugged kids with parents that never
questioned the dr so in a way my problem is due
to my parents negligence also. I took my meds as a child until I
started to learn to take them on my own.
All those days I set in the seclusion room wondering why people would
treat people the way they were treating me. and the list of abuse goes
on, in these hell holes i've been in. I try not to feel sorry for
myself and I know there
are thousands of other people like me in the world but its not easy.
Years later I am still on drugs and living a sedate life but I sure
wish I could be like most people,
So yes these Drs are murderous with these drugs and they have
absolutely no regards for human life. I'm living
proof. I don't know how I survived what happened to me for all those
years except that the human soul is stronger
than some people think and that's one thing no Dr will ever be able to
take from me no matter what. So they can beat me whip me chain me to
the wall and give me every kind of torture treatment they can think
of. But the one thing they can't do is have me. I have the power to
fight back at them and my voice will never be silenced.
Its unfortunate that I still am on drugs but the one thing that I've
learned is not to worry too much about things and take life as it
comes. Besides, in my lifetime I have experienced every kind of fear
Imaginable and after a while you become accustomed to it. You sort of
learn from it and not fear anything. Fear is useless.
2008-11-20 13:00:22 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I admit they are all useless SOB"s but you don't have to be a member
of Scientology to know that.
I also believe that these murderous Drs will never be stopped either,
not as long there are vulnerable people
out in the world.
I have been on every drug known to man and am lucky to be alive. I
have been chemically restrained, secluded
for days at a time and have even regarded myself as the so called
"Human Animal"
I was one of them force drugged kids with parents that never
questioned the dr so in a way my problem is due
to my parents negligence also. I took my meds as a child until I
started to learn to take them on my own.
All those days I set in the seclusion room wondering why people would
treat people the way they were treating me. and the list of abuse goes
on, in these hell holes i've been in. I try not to feel sorry for
myself and I know there
are thousands of other people like me in the world but its not easy.
Years later I am still on drugs and living a sedate life but I sure
wish I could be like most people,
So yes these Drs are murderous with these drugs and they have
absolutely no regards for human life. I'm living
proof. I don't know how I survived what happened to me for all those
years except that the human soul is stronger
than some people think and that's one thing no Dr will ever be able to
take from me no matter what. So they can beat me whip me chain me to
the wall and give me every kind of torture treatment they can think
of. But the one thing they can't do is have me. I have the power to
fight back at them and my voice will never be silenced.
Its unfortunate that I still am on drugs but the one thing that I've
learned is not to worry too much about things and take life as it
comes. Besides, in my lifetime I have experienced every kind of fear
Imaginable and after a while you become accustomed to it. You sort of
learn from it and not fear anything. Fear is useless.
Hi Marc,

Regarding the abuses you have suffered, and have witnessed:
- Do you know the names of the psychiatrists involved?
- Do you know the date, time and locations of the abuses?
- Can you describe specific instances of abuse?

If so, get in touch, and we may be able to do something about those
people; get them struck off or prosecuted or something.


2008-11-24 03:20:45 UTC
Post by Stewart
Post by m***@gmail.com
I admit they are all useless SOB"s but you don't have to be a member
of Scientology to know that.
I also believe that these murderous Drs will never be stopped either,
not as long there are vulnerable people
out in the world.
I have been on every drug known to man and am lucky to be alive. I
have been chemically restrained, secluded
for days at a time and have even regarded myself as the so called
"Human Animal"
I was one of them force drugged kids with parents that never
questioned the dr so in a way my problem is due
to my parents negligence also. I took my meds as a child until I
started to learn to take them on my own.
All those days I set in the seclusion room wondering why people would
treat people the way they were treating me. and the list of abuse goes
on, in these hell holes i've been in. I try not to feel sorry for
myself and I know there
are thousands of other people like me in the world but its not easy.
Years later I am still on drugs and living a sedate life but I sure
wish I could be like most people,
So yes these Drs are murderous with these drugs and they have
absolutely no regards for human life. I'm living
proof. I don't know how I survived what happened to me for all those
years except that the human soul is stronger
than some people think and that's one thing no Dr will ever be able to
take from me no matter what. So they can beat me whip me chain me to
the wall and give me every kind of torture treatment they can think
of. But the one thing they can't do is have me. I have the power to
fight back at them and my voice will never be silenced.
Its unfortunate that I still am on drugs but the one thing that I've
learned is not to worry too much about things and take life as it
comes. Besides, in my lifetime I have experienced every kind of fear
Imaginable and after a while you become accustomed to it. You sort of
learn from it and not fear anything. Fear is useless.
Hi Marc,
 - Do you know the names of the psychiatrists involved?
 - Do you know the date, time and locations of the abuses?
 - Can you describe specific instances of abuse?
If so, get in touch, and we may be able to do something about those
people; get them struck off or prosecuted or something.
Stew- Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
My story is very complicated as this all began when I was just a
But yes I have all names of all the Drs that abused me and all the
people I was Hospitalized with. But the thing is, I can not give out
as I stated in my posting I am still on Drugs and some day I may need
terrible Drs. Like I said this is a very complicated story. It scares
the hell
out of me to think that I may actually need these Drs in my life at
certain times.
So until I meet with a Scientologist or gain friendship with another
person who
is anti-psychiatry like I am I feel that some things are better left
I have lived a life of absolute hell to say the least.
I do wish we could wipe psychiatry off the face of the earth.
In my eyes no psychiatrist is a good one. That also includes the staff
that work
in these institutions as they are all abusers. Thank You for
Responding though.

2008-11-20 19:23:48 UTC
Post by m***@gmail.com
I admit they are all useless SOB"s but you don't have to be a member
of Scientology to know that.
I also believe that these murderous Drs will never be stopped either,
not as long there are vulnerable people
out in the world.
I have been on every drug known to man and am lucky to be alive. I
have been chemically restrained, secluded
for days at a time and have even regarded myself as the so called
"Human Animal"
While pondering these animals efforts to reduce everyone else to
their animalistic level of functioning, it occurred to me that all
they actually succeed in doing is strip away the illusion that homo
sapiens are something other than animals.
Post by m***@gmail.com
I was one of them force drugged kids with parents that never
questioned the dr so in a way my problem is due
to my parents negligence also.
Not necessarily.

Have you ever heard of Sophie's Choice?

Well, here's the no win/no exit dilemma the cult of psychiatry set up
to annihiliate the nuclear family.

Either, american parents allow the cult of psychiatry to set the
parents up to be prosecuted for murder in the second degree by
drugging their children with whatever toxins the cult of psychiatry
prescribe to murder their children (in the second degree), OR ELSE,
the cult of psychiatry will call in the state to have their children
taken away from them and locked up in cages in the back wards of the
gulags called University Research Hospitals where the cult of
psychiatry's gangsters, hustlers and ho's will perform experiments on
the children whilst they lie immobile in their piss and shit with
drool coming down their chest, or "disappeared" into the child sexual
slavery pipeline A/K/A America's foster care system.
Post by m***@gmail.com
I took my meds as a child until I
started to learn to take them on my own.
All those days I set in the seclusion room wondering why people would
treat people the way they were treating me. and the list of abuse goes
on, in these hell holes i've been in. I try not to feel sorry for
myself and I know there
are thousands of other people like me in the world but its not easy.
Years later I am still on drugs and living a sedate life but I sure
wish I could be like most people,
So yes these Drs are murderous with these drugs and they have
absolutely no regards for human life. I'm living
proof. I don't know how I survived what happened to me for all those
years except that the human soul is stronger
than some people think and that's one thing no Dr will ever be able to
take from me no matter what. So they can beat me whip me chain me to
the wall and give me every kind of torture treatment they can think
of. But the one thing they can't do is have me. I have the power to
fight back at them and my voice will never be silenced.
Its unfortunate that I still am on drugs
but the one thing that I've
learned is not to worry too much about things and take life as it
comes. Besides, in my lifetime I have experienced every kind of fear
Imaginable and after a while you become accustomed to it. You sort of
learn from it and not fear anything. Fear is useless.
The psychopathic zero sum game which psychiatry, the science of
lies, uses to obtain a death grip on 'we the people' is the same
exact psychopathic zero sum game which all Addicts play.

Only, it's been the big bucks and the power to hurt/destroy/obliterate
others, at will, without fear of reprisal which the practitioners of
psychiatry, the science of lies, are ADDICTED to.

Those of them who are addicted to the money are going to be forced to
undergo WITHDRAWAL because the money is drying up on account of the
bad economy, and, Senator Grassley's hammering away at all the false
claims psychiatry makes to obtain research/welfare grants which the
big bucks they get from Big Pharma makes them ineligible for, and,
the IRS going after the Swiss and other offshore bankers who have been
aiding and abetting them wrt their effort to shield their blood money
from taxation etc,

I know it's anticlimatic whenever mass murderers are taking down for
false claims, income tax evasion, money laundering, racketeering,
bribery, extortion instead of for the genocide/mass murder they
perpetrated, but, it's still "something".

You and your generation have more political clout then any previous
generation have ever had at your age, since the time of the American

Use your political clout to organize your community and VOTE in
elected representatives willing to have the worse of these commie/
fascist scalawags and carpetbaggers inprisoned, and, the remainder of
them and their little theories sent back and locked up in their ivory
towers, or, the only place where they and their little theories have
ever belonged.

Best Regards,
