2009-01-29 04:30:09 UTC
By Charlie Fidelman, Montreal Gazette January 27, 2009
Everyone will be hurting in the economic meltdown - that is, except
mental health professionals.
They at least probably don’t have to worry about not having enough
Mental health experts worldwide are warning of a potential crisis,
with financial insecurity fueling an increase in problems ranging from
anxiety to lost self-esteem.
Months before the United States government started mulling corporate
bailouts, the World Health Organization had issued a call for improved
services to deal with a rise in mental health problems, linking a rise
in suicides and the financial meltdowns.
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Everyone will be hurting in the economic meltdown - that is, except
mental health professionals.
They at least probably don’t have to worry about not having enough
Mental health experts worldwide are warning of a potential crisis,
with financial insecurity fueling an increase in problems ranging from
anxiety to lost self-esteem.
Months before the United States government started mulling corporate
bailouts, the World Health Organization had issued a call for improved
services to deal with a rise in mental health problems, linking a rise
in suicides and the financial meltdowns.
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