"Any one of us could take a human being and, with malice aforethought,
drive him stark, staring crazy with greater efficiency than even
psychiatry does. What would you do to him? You would just reverse all
the things that you know would help him: ... slug him with some drugs,
hit him in the face, take a hypodermic needle to him so that you give
him very painful but unobservable somatic....
Then when he comes out of it say this had never happened to him, feed
all the content back to him again by telling him about other people's
engrams or even his own, convince him that he does not really know
what his reality is and convince him that you are his friend. A person
can't take this; he would spin. That would be an efficient job, but
that could be done on a person who was pretty doggone sane! "
- L. Ron Hubbard
"The Complete Auditor, Part I," June 28, 1951