The Revolving Door for the Mentally Ill
(too old to reply)
2009-04-29 20:28:01 UTC
Remember that catchy phrase of "the revolving door" in the 80's,
blaming the liberals for the quick release of criminals? Well, half of
the released from prison this year are mentally ill, a record-breaking
number... around 400,000 being dumped into the streets of America,
only to commit a crime shortly after their release and go back to
prison, where they shouldn't be in the first place. No, the mentally
ill don't belong in prison just like they don't belong in the streets,
where they hold the public hostage of fear; they belong in psychiatric
hospitals, from where they were released in the 70's according to the
program. Who did that, and WHY? I was told it was Reagan but that pre-
dates him. Carter would have been more humane than that, even when I'm
sure the government did it to save some good bucks.

Anyway, here's the story of the guy who was released only to go back
to jail for trying to break into houses... looking for Osama bin

Or the one that was killed while committing an assault.

Or the other one who went back in a few days for attacking a police
officer. See, they fear nothing...


Watch the whole damn thing if you have the stomach for it!


"Monkeys of the World, Unite! You've got nothing to lose but your

Wiliam Walker
2009-05-04 06:50:14 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Remember that catchy phrase of "the revolving door" in the 80's,
blaming the liberals for the quick release of criminals? Well, half of
the released from prison this year are mentally ill, a record-breaking
number... around 400,000 being dumped into the streets of America,
only to commit a crime shortly after their release and go back to
prison, where they shouldn't be in the first place. No, the mentally
ill don't belong in prison just like they don't belong in the streets,
where they hold the public hostage of fear; they belong in psychiatric
hospitals, from where they were released in the 70's according to the
program. Who did that, and WHY? I was told it was Reagan but that pre-
dates him. Carter would have been more humane than that, even when I'm
sure the government did it to save some good bucks.
The reason why psychiatric hospitals was closed is because the government
wants nearly everybody in the community and to treat them as normal people
and to try and give them a chance in life if they are willing to try. Not
everybody needs to be in a psychiatric hospital. Look the fact is hospitals
are not going to be big enough to support everybody ever.

I'm comfortable with the idea of trying to keep people out of hospital but
some people like DUMMYGAWD won't accept the idea and possibly would rather
place dangerous criminals and others in psychiatrist hospitals placing staff
and other patients at risk. I don't know what DUMMYGAWD intends to do with
criminals when his plans to shut down prisons go ahead but it is obvious to
me that he prefers them to be put in psychiatric hospitals when they are way
beyond help. If DUMMYGAWD's plans goes ahead it would sadly be a massive
waste of resources, and God help me because criminals could break loose and
do more dangerous crimes resulting in more loss of lives. No one is kept in
a mental hospital for all their lives, no one is!

The reason why people are thrown on streets is because they aren't trying
hard enough to make an effort to improve their lives and some people just
develop an habit of pretending to be poor so they could rely on charity for
the rest of their lives. Some people are just plain lazy when they are able
and capable to lead a normal life but they are not trying hard enough.
Besides it if the government chose to keep the psychiatric hospital open
there is a real risk that some people may choose to use the hospitals for
all the wrong reasons. The reality is some people are NOT really that sick
to be admitted to hospital but are wasting their own time and the staff time
when resources could easily have been put to better use. Some people who
really need help when they are genuinely ill have died because they missed
out on care due to the actions of some irresponsible patients who really
don't need help but are in a hospital for all the wrong reasons.

Hospitals are not supposed to be a one sized fits all solution for
everybody. You cannot just build a 1 million bed hospital for a 1 million
people city. it just doesn't work that way.

Also the reason why they were sent to prison is the crime that they have
committed, not their illness.

William Walker
2009-05-04 13:32:55 UTC
Post by Wiliam Walker
Post by ComandanteBanana
Remember that catchy phrase of "the revolving door" in the 80's,
blaming the liberals for the quick release of criminals? Well, half of
the released from prison this year are mentally ill, a record-breaking
number... around 400,000 being dumped into the streets of America,
only to commit a crime shortly after their release and go back to
prison, where they shouldn't be in the first place. No, the mentally
ill don't belong in prison just like they don't belong in the streets,
where they hold the public hostage of fear; they belong in psychiatric
hospitals, from where they were released in the 70's according to the
program. Who did that, and WHY? I was told it was Reagan but that pre-
dates him. Carter would have been more humane than that, even when I'm
sure the government did it to save some good bucks.
The reason why psychiatric hospitals was closed is because the government
wants nearly everybody in the community and to treat them as normal people
and to try and give them a chance in life if they are willing to try.  Not
everybody needs to be in a psychiatric hospital.  Look the fact is hospitals
are not going to be big enough to support everybody ever.
I'm comfortable with the idea of trying to keep people out of hospital but
some people like DUMMYGAWD won't accept the idea and possibly would rather
place dangerous criminals and others in psychiatrist hospitals placing staff
and other patients at risk.  I don't know what DUMMYGAWD intends to do with
criminals when his plans to shut down prisons go ahead but it is obvious to
me that he prefers them to be put in psychiatric hospitals when they are way
beyond help.  If DUMMYGAWD's plans goes ahead it would sadly be a massive
waste of resources, and God help me because criminals could break loose and
do more dangerous crimes resulting in more loss of lives.  No one is kept in
a mental hospital for all their lives, no one is!
The reason why people are thrown on streets is because they aren't trying
hard enough to make an effort to improve their lives and some people just
develop an habit of pretending to be poor so they could rely on charity for
the rest of their lives.  Some people are just plain lazy when they are able
and capable to lead a normal life but they are not trying hard enough.
Besides it if the government chose to keep the psychiatric hospital open
there is a real risk that some people may choose to use the hospitals for
all the wrong reasons.  The reality is some people are NOT really that sick
to be admitted to hospital but are wasting their own time and the staff time
when resources could easily have been put to better use.  Some people who
really need help when they are genuinely ill have died because they missed
out on care due to the actions of some irresponsible patients who really
don't need help but are in a hospital for all the wrong reasons.
Hospitals are not supposed to be a one sized fits all solution for
everybody.  You cannot just build a 1 million bed hospital for a 1 million
people city.  it just doesn't work that way.
Also the reason why they were sent to prison is the crime that they have
committed, not their illness.
William Walker
And the reason they committed the crime is because MENTAL ILLNESS. And
they will commit more crimes because they are mentally ill and hear
voices that tell them do this or that. They can be talking to God or
Osama, and we all know how dangerous that is.

I also noticed that you never discussed the issue of them being pushed
into the public parks, never CHURCHES or GATED COMMUNITIES. I wouldn't
mind for sure. The House of God seems to be like an ideal place to
house them, since Jesus himself was homeless. And the Rich, who can
make this a better world, can adopt a few of their own to help the
problem and deny their INDIFFERENCE to the ills of society.

In other words, it is the poor that must endure this problem and must
stay home. But I encourage you to watch the program above before you
make any hasty decisions. ;)

How about the commitment NEVER TO HAVE H0MELESS? Is that too idealist?
2009-05-04 16:41:45 UTC
What of those who reject being restricted to a "home". If society
commits them to a "home" they will not be "homeless" but they will not
be "free". A.humane society has to restrict some of its members to
homes that the ocupants nevertheless will regard as prisons.
Are we doing the best we can? No! Is a perfect system possible? No!.
Let us forget ideology and make do with the practical.
How 'bout being practical about TERRORISM or SWINE FLU?

Just ignore it, and keep on living like they will go away. I'm sure
terrorists object to being in Guantanamo, often without a good reason.

But our parks are full of homeless and crack dealers, and WE THE
PEOPLE remain home.

Hey, why aren't we indifferent to DRUGS too? At least it would make
more sense...

Idiocracy is a state of apathy and indifference where everybody gives
a sh*t. AKA "democracy" or "Banana Republic."

2009-05-05 00:20:43 UTC
(from bike forums... I answer at bottom)

Originally Posted by mlts22
"Until our leaders realize that mental health facilities are just as
important as jails and football stadiums, we will be beset by this
problem indefinitely.

This is not to say to go back to the 1950s and warehousing people in
asylums for the rest of their lives, but to focus on public healthcare
facilities, acute care hospitals, and getting people their *expletive
deleted* meds so they can become functioning members of society.
Otherwise, the mentally ill on the streets end up prey for other
denizens, or in jail/prison."

OK, it all makes sense and we will make it the official policy of "we
the people" against policies that just don't make sense. Too often
those decisions have been made by anyone --politicians, lawyers,
special interests, prison lobbying-- but the people who suffer from

And the churches too get some good PR, and attract the homeless via

Whoever controls the food, controls the jungle. ;)

William Walker
2009-05-05 11:55:35 UTC
On 5/05/09 9:50 AM, in article
Post by ComandanteBanana
(from bike forums... I answer at bottom)
Originally Posted by mlts22
"Until our leaders realize that mental health facilities are just as
important as jails and football stadiums, we will be beset by this
problem indefinitely.
This is not to say to go back to the 1950s and warehousing people in
asylums for the rest of their lives, but to focus on public healthcare
facilities, acute care hospitals, and getting people their *expletive
deleted* meds so they can become functioning members of society.
Otherwise, the mentally ill on the streets end up prey for other
denizens, or in jail/prison."
OK, it all makes sense and we will make it the official policy of "we
the people" against policies that just don't make sense. Too often
those decisions have been made by anyone --politicians, lawyers,
special interests, prison lobbying-- but the people who suffer from
And the churches too get some good PR, and attract the homeless via
Whoever controls the food, controls the jungle. ;)
It's not rocket science but it is virtually impossible to make mental
hospitals as big as the main physical health hospital. It will cost too
much money to build a lot of big mental hospitals.

People with mental health illness cannot just expect to rely on medication
and hospitalisation alone all the time, the key to beating mental health
illness lies in the lifestyle, diet and the person's own attitude.

If the person can help himself, and try and get a job, and improve his own
diet and stay off the streets, that will be great. Otherwise that is the
person's own problem, and if the person cannot help himself he cannot expect
others to help him.

My guess is the person is on the streets and / or in jail because he chooses
to be there, and if he chooses to commit a crime, well that is his own
choice and he must suffer the consequences, and that is prison.

People seem to forget the rules that says, prevention is better than cure.
It is a lot cheaper for people to help prevent mental illness in the first
place through their own attitudes rather than build a lot of useless big
mental hospitals which will be closed a moment later they open doors.

The best option to beat mental health illness is through healthier lifestyle
changes, healthier diet and preventive measures and a very positive attitude
as well. It's a lot cheaper than building more hospitals.

William Walker
2009-05-05 18:35:29 UTC
Post by William Walker
On 5/05/09 9:50 AM, in article
Post by ComandanteBanana
(from bike forums... I answer at bottom)
Originally Posted by mlts22
"Until our leaders realize that mental health facilities are just as
important as jails and football stadiums, we will be beset by this
problem indefinitely.
This is not to say to go back to the 1950s and warehousing people in
asylums for the rest of their lives, but to focus on public healthcare
facilities, acute care hospitals, and getting people their *expletive
deleted* meds so they can become functioning members of society.
Otherwise, the mentally ill on the streets end up prey for other
denizens, or in jail/prison."
OK, it all makes sense and we will make it the official policy of "we
the people" against policies that just don't make sense. Too often
those decisions have been made by anyone --politicians, lawyers,
special interests, prison lobbying-- but the people who suffer from
And the churches too get some good PR, and attract the homeless via
Whoever controls the food, controls the jungle.  ;)
It's not rocket science but it is virtually impossible to make mental
hospitals as big as the main physical health hospital.  It will cost too
much money to build a lot of big mental hospitals.
People with mental health illness cannot just expect to rely on medication
and hospitalisation alone all the time, the key to beating mental health
illness lies in the lifestyle, diet and the person's own attitude.
If the person can help himself, and try and get a job, and improve his own
diet and stay off the streets, that will be great.  Otherwise that is the
person's own problem, and if the person cannot help himself he cannot expect
others to help him.
My guess is the person is on the streets and / or in jail because he chooses
to be there, and if he chooses to commit a crime, well that is his own
choice and he must suffer the consequences, and that is prison.
People seem to forget the rules that says, prevention is better than cure.
It is a lot cheaper for people to help prevent mental illness in the first
place through their own attitudes rather than build a lot of useless big
mental hospitals which will be closed a moment later they open doors.
The best option to beat mental health illness is through healthier lifestyle
changes, healthier diet and preventive measures and a very positive attitude
as well.  It's a lot cheaper than building more hospitals.
William Walker  - Hide quoted text -
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And the system, of course, is NOT helping them either. Junk food is
everywhere and stress over the RAT RACE can drive anyone crazy .

And I've been trying to ride a bike for the last 25 years without
success. Actually I'm proposing a revolution to change all those
aspects that drive the people insane.

Sorry to spoil the business for the cuckoo doctors and the prison
industry. ;)

William Walker
2009-05-06 11:43:10 UTC
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by William Walker
It's not rocket science but it is virtually impossible to make mental
hospitals as big as the main physical health hospital.  It will cost too
much money to build a lot of big mental hospitals.
People with mental health illness cannot just expect to rely on medication
and hospitalisation alone all the time, the key to beating mental health
illness lies in the lifestyle, diet and the person's own attitude.
If the person can help himself, and try and get a job, and improve his own
diet and stay off the streets, that will be great.  Otherwise that is the
person's own problem, and if the person cannot help himself he cannot expect
others to help him.
My guess is the person is on the streets and / or in jail because he chooses
to be there, and if he chooses to commit a crime, well that is his own
choice and he must suffer the consequences, and that is prison.
People seem to forget the rules that says, prevention is better than cure.
It is a lot cheaper for people to help prevent mental illness in the first
place through their own attitudes rather than build a lot of useless big
mental hospitals which will be closed a moment later they open doors.
The best option to beat mental health illness is through healthier lifestyle
changes, healthier diet and preventive measures and a very positive attitude
as well.  It's a lot cheaper than building more hospitals.
William Walker  - Hide quoted text -
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And the system, of course, is NOT helping them either. Junk food is
everywhere and stress over the RAT RACE can drive anyone crazy .
And I've been trying to ride a bike for the last 25 years without
success. Actually I'm proposing a revolution to change all those
aspects that drive the people insane.
Sorry to spoil the business for the cuckoo doctors and the prison
industry. ;)
Well it is not rocket science.

We will never know the answer to whether the people are better off having
help in mental hospital or being thrown in prison.

But as I said before, the placement of these people in prison are not due to
their illness it is the crime they have committed that they put themselves
in prison.

I believe the individual is partly to blame for being in on the streets and
or in prison because he made the choices himself. It all starts with the
education he have received and whether he have received good grades with it.

If the individual have received good grades and good education he is likely
to attend university and get a good job and not on the streets at all.
Otherwise he is likely to end up on the streets and in prison if he gets bad
grades. It all starts with education and prevention is better than cure.

In the end life is how the individual makes it.

William Walker
2009-05-06 16:22:59 UTC
Post by William Walker
Post by ComandanteBanana
Post by William Walker
It's not rocket science but it is virtually impossible to make mental
hospitals as big as the main physical health hospital.  It will cost too
much money to build a lot of big mental hospitals.
People with mental health illness cannot just expect to rely on medication
and hospitalisation alone all the time, the key to beating mental health
illness lies in the lifestyle, diet and the person's own attitude.
If the person can help himself, and try and get a job, and improve his own
diet and stay off the streets, that will be great.  Otherwise that is the
person's own problem, and if the person cannot help himself he cannot expect
others to help him.
My guess is the person is on the streets and / or in jail because he chooses
to be there, and if he chooses to commit a crime, well that is his own
choice and he must suffer the consequences, and that is prison.
People seem to forget the rules that says, prevention is better than cure.
It is a lot cheaper for people to help prevent mental illness in the first
place through their own attitudes rather than build a lot of useless big
mental hospitals which will be closed a moment later they open doors.
The best option to beat mental health illness is through healthier lifestyle
changes, healthier diet and preventive measures and a very positive attitude
as well.  It's a lot cheaper than building more hospitals.
William Walker  - Hide quoted text -
- Show quoted text -
And the system, of course, is NOT helping them either. Junk food is
everywhere and stress over the RAT RACE can drive anyone crazy .
And I've been trying to ride a bike for the last 25 years without
success. Actually I'm proposing a revolution to change all those
aspects that drive the people insane.
Sorry to spoil the business for the cuckoo doctors and the prison
industry. ;)
Well it is not rocket science.
We will never know the answer to whether the people are better off having
help in mental hospital or being thrown in prison.
But as I said before, the placement of these people in prison are not due to
their illness it is the crime they have committed that they put themselves
in prison.
I believe the individual is partly to blame for being in on the streets and
or in prison because he made the choices himself.  It all starts with the
education he have received and whether he have received good grades with it.
If the individual have received good grades and good education he is likely
to attend university and get a good job and not on the streets at all.
Otherwise he is likely to end up on the streets and in prison if he gets bad
grades.  It all starts with education and prevention is better than cure.
In the end life is how the individual makes it.
William Walker- Hide quoted text -
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True to a degree, but ultimately the environment and ADVERTISING makes
you eat junk and drive Stupid Unnecessary Vehicles.

It would take the black sheep to stand up and I challenge all of that.
Then you are called crazy, tree hugger, communist, etc.

Like I said the environment/jungle influences the individual to make
the right/wrong choices. Prison overpopulation, for example, is in
direct proportion to poverty, drug prohibition, and the greed
necessary "to be someone" in this hierarchal society, where you are
what you drive, where you live, or the watch you wear.

There's even a science called SOCIAL MARKETING that tries to addess
this problem, but I'm sure COMMERCIAL MARKETING OUTSPENDS IT by a 100
to 1.

