Charles Field PhD is a rapist!
(too old to reply)
2014-01-10 21:19:44 UTC
He is located at 469 Buckland RD, South Windsor, CT 1-860-644-6610 He raped me
during a session and is now under investigation by the police and the state
licensing bureau. He is a dangerous predator. I am the third person to report
him. He uses hypnosis and drugs to Zone out his dissociative clients then
sexually attacks them. This person has totally fucked up my life. Please
everyone in connecticut stay away.
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This is a completely untrue accusation. Psychologists habitually meet with patients who are severely mentally ill and often out of touch with reality (multiple personality, psychosis, etc.); thus, it is not uncommon for patients to make FALSE ACCUSATIONS against their therapists when, for some reason, they are not satisfied. If Dr. Field has been convicted of rape, you would find him listed here:
(the official sex offender registry for South Windsor)

Because of the nature of psychologists' practice (i.e. dealing with people who are OUT OF TOUCH WITH REALITY), it is NOT practical to be suspicious of one simply because he/she was ACCUSED of rape.

I'm reporting all of these posts as spam.
2014-02-23 17:53:32 UTC
He is located at 469 Buckland RD, South Windsor, CT 1-860-644-6610 He raped me
during a session and is now under investigation by the police and the state
licensing bureau. He is a dangerous predator. I am the third person to report
him. He uses hypnosis and drugs to Zone out his dissociative clients then
sexually attacks them. This person has totally fucked up my life. Please
everyone in connecticut stay away.
-----------== Posted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ==----------
http://www.dejanews.com/ Search, Read, Discuss, or Start Your Own
If I were you I would hunt him down and blow his balls off!! along with a bullet between the eyes! I know what you're feeling, I've been there!
The only good psychiatrist is a dead one.

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