French psychiatrist shoplifted
(too old to reply)
2009-01-11 05:13:15 UTC
By Elena Chong, Courts Correspondent
A FRENCH psychiatrist who was on transit in Singapore was jailed a day
and fined $2,000 on Monday for stealing a pair of sunglasses at Changi

Christele Denise Simone Gandie Espalieu, 44, pleaded guilty to
filching a pair of Porsche Design sunglasses worth $560 at Luxury
Fashion Shop at Changi Airport departure transit hall last Saturday.

The court heard that she arrived at about 7.30am from Paris enroute to

About an hour later, a store assistant of the shop saw her removing
the sunglasses from the display shelf and placed it inside her

She was detained when she walked out of the shop without paying for

She could have been jailed for up to seven years and fined for theft.

URL: http://www.straitstimes.com/Breaking%2BNews/Singapore/Story/STIStory_319615.html
2009-01-11 05:32:14 UTC
marty rathbun
2009-01-11 06:08:48 UTC
Tommy Davis is lying about my religion!

Scientology DOES NOT support psych drugs!

I am outraged by what our supposed "spokesman" Tommy Davis said on
television on January 8, 2009. He says that it's okay to use
antiseizure psych drugs in Scientology. This is disgusting and
false. LRH was very clear. To receive Scientology auditing, you have
to stop taking antiseizure drugs.

They say Jett Travolta was on Depakote to control his seizures in the
past. DEPAKOTE IS A PSYCH DRUG! It is used in psych-invented
conditions like bipolar disorder. The CCHR website even lists
is a dangerous psych drug.

Let's get one thing straight, I hate the anti-Scientologists and the
Anonymous cyberterrorists who have been attacking my religion. But I
have borrowed this video that seems like their kind of thing, because
for once I agree with the outrage.

Scientology management and our celebrity members have been doing
things that are out-tech and out-ethics. I have seen so many
outpoints, from the squirreling of the Basics to this latest flap.
isn't Tom Cruise condemning the Travoltas for using harmful psych
drugs on their son? In the 2004 IAS video he said he doesn't hesitate
to put ethics in on somebody else, but now he is being reactive and
supporting the use of psych drugs.

If what his lawyer said is true, John Travolta chose to poison his
with the psych drug Depakote.

Maybe I shouldn't be saying this, but the last few years in the
of Scientology have not been good. I believe this indicates there are
SPs in Scientology management. I can no longer pretend that the
is running well. But I am still a Scientologist because I know in my
heart that the tech works.


