Petition against psychiatric assault
(too old to reply)
2009-04-08 05:45:52 UTC
To: The British government

Have a heart and make meaningful true reforms to the current 'mental
health' system.

The methods that are employed by psychiatry and imposed onto those who
experience emotionally vulnerable or volatile states are often
inhumane and damaging.

In the clinical environment our requirements and needs are rarely met.
Our pleas, cries, explanations and experiences are invalidated and
recorded as symptoms.

To ensure individuals do not stray too far from the limited and
restricted parameters that define the 'norm', psychiatry currently

Incarceration, physical restraints, pain compliance techniques, forced
drugging, compulsory electro convulsive 'therapy', psycho surgery,
coercion and brainwashing.

..................... all of which demonstrate the defectiveness
rather than the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment.

The disturbance we may experience in our lives is exacerbated by the
aggressive insensitivity and gross inhumanity of such methods. Those
who are subjected to these treatments are often damaged and
traumatised by them.

Proposed changes to the Mental Health Act will only serve to
perpetuate and legitimise cruel, abusive and damaging practices.

We call for a truly consultative radical reform of the 'mental health'
system and ultimately an end to hidden psychiatric assault.

This is a human rights issue which we believe is worth fighting for.


The Undersigned

Please sign the petition at http://www.petitiononline.com/kissit/petition-sign.html

Tell your friends and family and let it be known.
2009-04-09 04:21:28 UTC
To:  The British government
Have a heart and make meaningful true reforms to the current 'mental
health' system.
The methods that are employed by psychiatry and imposed onto those who
experience emotionally vulnerable or volatile states are often
inhumane and damaging.
Incarceration, physical restraints, pain compliance techniques, forced
drugging, compulsory electro convulsive 'therapy', psycho surgery,
coercion and brainwashing.
..................... all of which demonstrate the defectiveness
rather than the effectiveness of psychiatric treatment...
What are you complaining about? You Britons set yourself up to be
abused when you voted for 'free' health care, meaning the government
now has an interest in keeping you as healthy as possible, giving it
the power to regulate your diet and fitness habits as if you were so
many hamsters kept healthy with colorful food pellets and exercise

The next step to tyranny was when you voted to grant mental disorders
the same status as physical ailments in terms of funding. A
government that has the power to feed you rations of kibble to keep
you as physically fit as possible now has the same responsibility to
keep you as mentally hygienic as possible by dosing your water bottle
with psychoactive drugs.

Objecting to being treated like a hamster is a serious mental
disorder, so tonight your water bottle will contain an extra dose of
risperadone to treat your paranoid delusions.
